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Tom's car was at the hotel entrance to take the tired but enthusiastic girls and their chaperon down to the landing where the launch lay ready to take them to the "Merry Maid." "I've had the most glorious time," exulted Lillian. "And I," was the chorus. "It was too delightful for words," declared Madge, with shining eyes. Then the light suddenly left them and she became strangely silent.

"But what bad luck!" cried Brace. "Never mind. Stick on another hook, Lynton. I say, that must have been an alligator. There couldn't be fish that size out here." "Pulled like a sea-cow," said Briscoe. "Cow! Went through the water like a steam launch," said Lynton. "Well, whatever it was, it has gone now, and we must hope for better luck next time," said Brace.

Soon after the long boat was smashed by the fall of the mainmast. The cutter had already been launched. The captain now gave orders to launch the jolly boat and, to the surprise of everybody, having repeatedly proclaimed that he would be one of the last to leave the ship, he jumped into her as she went over the side, rowed to the cutter, got into her, and inhumanly pushed off for the shore.

"The Bedford Castle, cannery-tender for Bristol Bay," Peasley shouted back. The man on the launch relinquished his lantern, and using both palms for a funnel, cried, more clearly now: "Heave to! We want to come aboard." With an exclamation of impatience, the commanding officer stepped to the telegraph, but Emerson forestalled him.

"Ay, ay, sir," they cried, set their backs to their oars, and through the broad light that still shone upon the waves, and among the thick crowd of weltering shadows, the launch shot like a dart to the side of the foe. "Easy all!

They were acquainted with schooners and the coast, while the little launch Princess May was a new species of craft to them, and was manned by green hands. "'Tis a dangerous voyage for green hands to be makin'," said one, "and that small boat were never meant for the sea." "Aye, for green hands," said another. "They'll never make un without mishap." "If they does, 'twill be by the mercy o' God."

For an hour she lay watching the guard, one of whom seemed always in a position where he would immediately discover her should she attempt to launch one of the canoes. Presently Malbihn appeared, coming out of the jungle, hot and puffing. He ran immediately to the river where the canoes lay and counted them.

Time, too, for the gunners in the forts, recovering from their paralysed amazement, were already getting busy and the roar of great guns was followed by the rocket-like hiss of shells. Like a frightened hare the launch gathered speed and darted away downstream.

Still, I maintain that this antique wreck is enormous," Mr. Prohack insisted. They walked out on deck. "Hello! Here's the chit. You can always count on her!" said Charles. The launch was again approaching the yacht, and a tiny figure with a despatch case on her lap sat smiling in the stern-sheets. "She's come down by train," Charles explained.

But there was still one necessity lacking, a little steamer in which Doctor Grenfell could visit the folk of the scattered harbors. At Chester on the River Dee and not far from his boyhood home at Parkgate Grenfell discovered a boat one day that was for sale and that he believed would answer his purpose. It was a sturdy little steam launch, forty-five feet over all.