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In the winter these creatures are, of course, less troublesome than in summer. Wire meat-covers are in constant use during the latter season. Thus far had got in my epistle, when a torrent of ill news rushed in upon us, and compelled me to delay my scribble.

You may, perhaps, object that France is not rich enough to keep up as numerous an army of spies as of soldiers; because the expense of the former must be triple the amount of the latter.

"Be off, I say, to h l or Connaught; or if you don't, take my word for it, you'll find yourself in a worse mess. To address my father in such language! Be off, sir; ha!" Bow-wow! said his face once more. "Ah," said Solomon, when the man had retired, "I see your patience and your difficulties but there is no man free from the latter in this checkered vale of sorrow."

On this explanation there remains no difference whatsoever between 'Release in this life' and Release after death; for the latter also can only be defined as cessation of the false appearance of embodiedness. This too we cannot allow.

As Love is immediately agreeable to the person, who is actuated by it, and hatred immediately disagreeable; this may also be a considerable reason, why we praise all the passions that partake of the former, and blame all those that have any considerable share of the latter. It is certain we are infinitely touched with a tender sentiment, as well as with a great one.

The latter had followed the Swedes into Hesse, in order to intercept their commissariat, and to prevent their union with Turenne. In both designs they had been unsuccessful; and the Imperialists now saw themselves cut off from the Maine, and exposed to great scarcity and want from the loss of their magazines.

Quite resolved now, she opened the door to the chief smuggler with a smile of greeting that the latter had never seen in her: "Come in, Itchoua," she said, "warm yourself while I go wake up my son."

Now we were soon involved in sore danger, for the pirates on board this latter, lost no time in coming up to their friends' assistance, and like a crew of black kites they swept over the side, with curved cutlasses brandished in their hands. I know not how it would have chanced had not La Blanche Nef boarded their ship, and attacking them in the rear, swept through them to our relief.

It is true that his Fancy is the fairy attendant on his Imagination, which latter uses the former for her own higher ends; and that there is little or no mere fancy to be found in his books; for if you look below the surface-form you find a truth.

"It is not my way," said the hoary ruffian, when the justice petitioned at least for the latter article of attire, "'t is not my way. I be 's slow about my work, but I does it thoroughly; so off with your rags, old un."