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But it would be cumbrous to speak always of partial inactivity, incomplete latency or half awakening qualities. Even such words as sub-latent, which would about express the real state of things, would have little chance of coming into general use. Such sub-latent colors are often seen on special parts in white varieties of flowers.

But the poet must likewise understand and command what Bacon calls the vestigia communia of the senses, the latency of all in each, and more especially as by a magical penny duplex, the excitement of vision by sound and the exponents of sound. Thus, "The echoing walks between," may be almost said to reverse the fable in tradition of the head of Memnon, in the Egyptian statue.

He points out the confused manner in which Sir W. Hamilton has conceived mental latency, as well as the inconclusive character of the reasoning whereby he refutes the following doctrine of Dugald Stewart That in the most rapid trains of association, each separate item must have been successively present to consciousness, though for a time too short to leave any memory.

The fact of the double object selection which is essentially due to the effect of the latency period, becomes most significant for the disturbance of this terminal state. The results of the infantile object selection reach into the later period; they are either preserved as such or are even refreshed at the time of puberty.

The latency of the faculty of producing the red pigment in leaves must obviously be accepted for nearly the whole vegetable kingdom. During summer this tendency must have been dormant, and that this is so, is shown by the young leaves of oaks and others, which, when unfolding in the spring show a similar but paler hue. Moreover, there is a way of awakening the concealed powers at any time.

As this individual latency may show itself from time to time during the life of a given plant, the first may only become active from time to time during the whole existence of the variety or the species. It has no regular period of activity, nor may it be incited by artificial stimulation. It emerges from concealment only very rarely and only on its own initiative.

What then is left but the conclusion of the Preacher: “That which hath been, is now; and that which is to be, hath already been?” Regarding time as a form of force, the only possible history of the material universe is that it is a series of destructions and restorations, force latent evolving into force active or energy, and this dissipated and absorbed again into latency.

Latency in one generation, with activity in the next, is frequently observed in the transmission of disease; but in the case of crime, as distinguished from vice, this is rarely so. It serves to show that whatever the influence of heredity may be, as a factor disposing towards crime, it cannot be an independent and final factor.

Nagle, in a short salmon-coloured peplum over a white petticoat, the whole bulgingly confined by a girdle of shining gilt and forming a contrast to the loose scarves of Helena, while Mr. Nagle, not devoid, I seem to remember, of a blue chin and the latency of a fine brogue, was either Lysander or Demetrius; Mr.

It is moreover, a very suggestive type, since the latency is manifestly of quite another character than for instance in the case of Mendelian hybrids, and probably more allied to those instances, where secondary sexual marks, which are as a rule only evolved by one sex, are transferred to the offspring through the other. Stripes are by no means limited to flowers.