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It is interesting to note that, omitting the Africa, which ship came up late, each British main division on the morning of 21st October 1805 had nine ships a number which, by the addition of the eight already mentioned as distinct from the divisions, could have been increased to seventeen, thus, except for a fraction, exactly maintaining the original proportion as regards the hostile fleet, which was now found to be composed of thirty-three ships.

As it grew dark I drew nearer, and when it was about as dark as it was likely to be that night, I crept up to within a few yards of them. They had a little fire made of sagebrush and did not lie down until very late.

She slipped her hand through his arm. "Come and have it upstairs! It really is late. We'll have a cosy time together afterwards when they're gone." He smiled upon her indulgently. They had grown very near to one another during their cruise in the Night Moth. To him also their home-coming held something of bridal gladness. He had never seen her so glowing with happiness before.

"But a person may play very sweetly and yet not be what you call perfect," said Edgar. "Do you think so?" Maria answered with a frosty smile. "I do not." Of what use to have toiled for thirty years early and late at scales and thorough-bass if a stupid girl like Leam could be allowed to play sweetly after four years' desultory practice?

As the late Lord Bryce, speaking in this age of unbridled expression, both oral and printed, so well has said: "The Constitution of the United States, including the amendments, may be read aloud in twenty-three minutes. It is about half as long as Saint Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, and one-fourth as long as the Irish Land Act of 1881.

Why should I blame her, that she filled my days With misery, or that she would of late Have taught to ignorant men most violent ways. Or hurled the little streets against the great, Had they but courage equal to desire?

He sent back to Cadzand for artillery, but it was flood- tide, the waters were out, and it was not till late in the afternoon that nine pieces arrived.

On top of that mess Narayan Singh pounced like a tiger, wrenching at arms and legs until I struggled to my feet again only to be thrust aside by Jeremy as he rose and rushed at Yussuf Dakmar's two assailants. But with all his speed Jeremy was a tenth of a tick too late.

Then he descended, and found that he had slept late, though the three of that ancient house were seated yet at the table, and Serafina all dressed in white seemed to Rodriguez to be shining in rivalry with the morning. Ah dreams and fancies of youth!

Diamond, however, had not been out so late before in all his life, and things looked so strange about him! just as if he had got into Fairyland, of which he knew quite as much as anybody; for his mother had no money to buy books to set him wrong on the subject. I have seen this world only sometimes, just now and then, you know look as strange as ever I saw Fairyland.