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"They've got a lot o' police out. Where's 'Liza Daunt, I say? They're searching for her everywhere. Daunt's just come upon the engine from Latchford saw the fire from the train. He says he's been tricked a put-up job he says. There wasn't nothing wrong with his son, he says, when he got to Portsmouth. If they do catch 'em, the police will have to guard 'em safe.

And as he spoke, a man jumped upon the waggon, a Latchford doctor, an acquaintance of Winnington's, who said something in his ear. The next moment, a fragment of a bottle, flung from a distance, struck Winnington on the wrist. The blood rushed out, and Delia, suddenly white, looked from it to Winnington's face.

Of the rest, they knew nothing. "Mark! you've done the day's work of two people already!" cried Mrs. Matheson in a tone of distress. "You don't mean to say you're going in to Latchford again? and without waiting for some food?" She stood under the porch of Bridge End remonstrating with her brother.

She took Delia's chair, Delia instinctively yielding it, and then her dark eyes measuring and probing them all while she talked, she gave the little group its orders. Kitty Foster was to be one of the band of girl-sellers of the Tocsin, in Latchford, the day of the meeting.

That she could have any designs on the beautiful old place was indeed incredible; and it was equally incredible that she would aid or abet them in anyone else. And yet there was that monstrous speech at Latchford, made in her hearing, by her friend and co-militant, the woman who shared her life! Was it any wonder that Daunt bristled at the sight of her? He had, however, to answer her question.

Miss Dempsey's face broke into amusement at the notion. "And I don't know that I could keep my temper with a militant. Well now you're going to hear her speak and here we are." Winnington and Captain Andrews left the station together. Latchford owned a rather famous market, and market day brought always a throng of country folk into the little town.

Whenever during these days Winnington's business took him in the Latchford direction, so that going or coming he passed Monk Lawrence, he would walk up to the Abbey in the evening, and in the course of the gossip of the day, all the reassuring news he had to give would be sure to drop out; while Delia sat listening, her eyes fixed on him.

Miss Toogood replied that she would be at Latchford by midday, and would take round notices till she dropped. The teacher who could do nothing public, was invited to come to Maumsey in the evening, and address envelopes.

Had it reminded her of that speech in the Latchford marketplace from which he was certain she had recoiled, no less than he? "You'll let me take you to the flat? I've been over it once, but I should like to see it's in order." She hesitated, but how could she refuse? He put her into a taxi, having already dispatched her maid with the luggage in another, and they started.

Then he threw his head back a moment against the cushions of the car. The sudden loss of blood on the top of a long fast, had made him feel momentarily faint. Delia looked at him uneasily biting her lip. "Let us go back to Latchford, Mr. Winnington, and find a doctor." "Oh dear no! I'm only pumped for a moment. It's going off. I'm perfectly fit.