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'Well, afther they war on the road betther nor half an hour, they kem to the bad bit close by Father Crotty's, an' there was one divil of a rut three feet deep at the laste; an' the car got sich a wondherful chuck goin' through it, that it wakened Terence widin in the basket. "Bad luck to ye," says he, "my bones is bruck wid yer thricks; what the divil are ye doin' wid me?"

As soon as we were alone he rapped me over the head with a loaded cane, and, I suspect, went through the flat stealing everything he could lay hands on.... Hand me my cigarette case, please." "'Tis gone, sor 'tis not on the desk, at laste, pwhere I saw ut last." "Ah! You see?... Now for reasons of my own, which I won't enter into, I don't want the affair to get out and become public.

The seuen Sacramentes of the churche, which are contained in the fiue laste Articles of our beleue, and commaunded vs by the holie fathers to be beleued. The firste, diepyng into the water, called Baptisyng, aftre the Greke.

Just be after letting him live for a few days, at laste, and I'll see what I can do to doctor him." "I'm obeying orders, Pat; I tell you, if he gets stiff he'll never carry you fifty yards, much less the mile and a half you galloped over this afternoon," was the answer.

The next day, both Mr and Mrs Dugald Strong said that they were too fatigued to do anything else save lie in the sun and bask on the beach; but the following morning, the Captain, insisting on their seeing the sights of the place, took them all down to the harbour, when they went on board the Victory, Nelson's old flagship, which Mrs Gilmour said she had been over "at laste a hundred times before," although she accompanied them now "for company's sake, sure!"

"Awake!" cried Bryan, answering the question; "we awoke at laste a dozen times. I suppose it must have bin the time for brikfust; for, ye see, although we could ha' slept on long enough; our intariors couldn't, be no manes, forgit their needcessities." "We shall have to work a bit yet ere these necessities are attended to, I fear," said Stanley.

Then the present Mabel is as sweet a cratur as ever the ould Mabel Kelly was but I must mind the pratees. Mr. H. Hold! my gude girl, let me do that for you; mine is a strong haund. Biddy. I thank your honour, it's too much trouble entirely for a jantleman like you; but it's always the best jantleman has the laste pride.

Shamus rallied his prudence. "An', sure, sorrow a thing is the matter wid me, only the dhrop, I believe, made me do it, as it ever and always does, good luck to it for the same. Only it's the laste bit in the world quare to me how you'd have the dhrame about your own country, that you didn't see for so many years, sir for twenty long years, I think you said, sir?"

An' if ye don't mind I'll just jine ye. It's lonesome I am meself the night." Battersleigh busied himself about his room, and soon appeared arrayed, as was Franklin himself, with a revolver at his belt. "Shure, Ned, me boy," he said, "an officer an' a gintleman should nivver appear abroad without his side arms. At laste, methinks, not on a night like this."

"God grant us," runs the prayer in the old Bible preface, "to ken and to kepe well Holie Writ, and to suffer joiefulli some paine for it at the laste."