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As sound is caused by vibrations of the air, and these may be set up by vibrations of the vocal cords, it may with absolute correctness be said that the whole larynx exists for the vocal bands so far as voice-production is concerned.

Hasn't every prima donna a larynx to hide behind?" She lifted off her fur cap, spilling curls. "Well, I I'll be hanged!" said Lieutenant Kantor, his eyes lakes of her reflected loveliness. She let her hand linger in his. "Leon you really going? How terrible! How how wonderful!" "How wonderful' your coming!" "I You think it was not nice of me to come?"

Thus the air enters and leaves the larynx during breathing, without throwing the cords into vibration enough to produce any sound. We may say that the production of the voice is effected by an arrangement like that of some musical instruments, the sounds produced by the vibrations of the vocal cords being modified by the tubes above and below.

A peculiar habit, sometimes seen in nervous individuals, is that of "swallowing the tongue." Cohen claims that in some cases of supposed laryngeal spasm the tongue is swallowed, occluding the larynx, and sometimes with fatal consequences.

The most general characteristics of eunuchs would appear to be an unusual tendency to put on fat, a notably greater length of the legs, absence of hair in the sexual and secondary sexual regions, a less degree of pigmentation, as noted both in the castrated negro and the white man, a puerile larynx and puerile voice. In character they are usually described as gentle, conciliatory, and charitable.

So did the Bald-faced Kid, edging away from the rustic who, with a Cornflower ticket clutched in his sweating palm, seemed to be trying to swallow the thyroid cartilage of his larynx. So did Jockey Moseby Jones, driving straight into the hurricane of cheers which beat down from the packed grand stand. "Elisha! Elisha! Come on, you Elisha!"

At all hours the financier is trampling on the living, the attorney on the dead, the pleader on the conscience. Forced to be speaking without a rest, they all substitute words for ideas, phrases for feelings, and their soul becomes a larynx.

Oliver had worked hard while he lived at home, although he was never clean or warm in winter and had wretched food all the year round. His spare, dry figure, his prominent larynx, and the peculiar red of his face and hands belonged to the choreboy he had never outgrown. It was as if the farm, knowing he would escape from it as early as he could, had ground its mark on him deep.

I take pleasure in doing it very often. At all events, the singer should often avail himself of it. We can judge whether the epiglottis springs up quickly enough if the breath comes out in a full enough stream to give the tone the necessary resonance. Whenever I sing in a high vocal range, I can plainly feel the larynx rise and take a diagonal position. The movement is, of course, very slight.

The latter mirror is plane, and set at an angle. The picture may show, under the most favorable circumstances, all the upper parts of the larynx, including the vocal bands, but sometimes, also, the windpipe as far down as its division into the two main bronchial tubes.