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The old moralists, I say, permitted the ant to enforce and typify man's morality; they never allowed the ant to upset it. They used the ant for industry as the lark for punctuality; they looked up at the flapping birds and down at the crawling insects for a homely lesson.

Ah! what means yon violet flower, And the bud that decks the thorn! 'Twas the lark that upward sprung, 'Twas the nightingale that sung. Idle notes! untimely green! Why this unavailing haste! Western gales and skies serene Speak not always winter past. Cease my doubts, my fears to move; Spare the honour of my love. Adieu, Madam, your most faithful servant. ARLINGTON STREET, Jan. 29, 1762.

For the first time since he was a child, he resigned himself not to put a finger to the evolution of his fortune; he determined to accept all things that might happen, good or evil; he would not imagine an event beyond to-day, but would let one spontaneous and half-defined thought loiter after another, through his mind; listen to the spattering shower, the puffs of shut-out wind; and look with half-shut eyes at the sunshine glimmering through the ivy- twigs, and illuminating those old devices on the wall; at the gathering twilight; at the dim lamp; at the creeping upward of another day, and with it the lark singing so far away that the thrill of its delicious song could not disturb him with an impulse to awake.

Frankly, I am persuaded that the two hundred dollars are now winging their way into the pockets of an apparently awkward dealer with slow fingers, and into the pockets of our friend the hotel man. But we will get the horses, and think of the lark " "Lark!" shrilled Hapgood. "A lark to go wandering off into the desert " "Not wandering! Pirutin' is the word you want, the real vernacular of the West.

Conniston called the Lark to him. "I am going to put two hundred more men to work right here and right now," he said, swiftly. "You get double salary to act as general foreman over the two hundred and fifty. Divide your old gang of fifty into five parts, ten each. Break up the new gang of two hundred into five sections, forty men to a section.

"A wictim o' wiciousness, sir." "What in the world do you mean? Who was she?" "Well, d'ye 'appen to know a young woman name of Nancy Price, sir?" "No!" "And yet you've 'ad same in your arms, Mr. Werricker, sir." "What the devil are you suggesting?" I demanded angrily. "I suggest as you found same young woman in a vood at midnight and carried 'er to a inn called the 'Soaring Lark."

Allen's limited stock of wine, for the gentlemen, feeling that they were off on a lark, were little inclined to self-control. They also insisted on the ladies drinking health with them, which foolish Zell, and more foolish Mrs.

The vast arms of its horse-power press, spreading rigidly downward, offered the only weird aspect that lingered in the lovely morning. I have a later and shuddering memory of it, but now the dewy air was full of sweet odors, the squirrel barked from the woods, the woodpecker tapped, and the lark, the cardinal and the mocking-bird were singing all around.

With the nobler bipeds, this would not have been any obstacle to the union, and in this case the lark was evidently quite ready to ignore the difference, but the sparrow persisted in saying him nay. It was doubtless this obstinacy on her part that drove the lark away, for, on the fifth day, I could not find him, and have never seen nor heard him since.

So we all went up on the Roman walls, and thus missed the cream of the lark; for we could not exactly see what was happening. But we saw that things were being taken from the ground as the men dug, and passed round for the Antiquities to look at. And we knew they must be our Roman remains; but the Antiquities did not seem to care for them much, though we heard sounds of pleased laughter.