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I daresay it sounds very brutal; but here have I been displaced, and turned out of my post of comforter and adviser by a fine lady aunt; and there are cousins and what not claiming her in London, as if she were a lap-dog belonging to them. And she is too weak and miserable to have a will of her own. 'She must indeed be weak, said Mrs.

On an April morning Haco and the young couple sailed across Rocquaine Bay, and landed close to the tower, which now stood on a rugged and inhospitable island. The door was opened by Tita, who smiled, and prattled, and caressed her young mistress like a lap-dog.

Unless, of course, they are the nice little lap-dog kind." "This isn't about a lap-dog, exactly," returned Songbird. "It's about a watchdog." "Um! By the way, Songbird, haven't the Sandersons a new watchdog?" "Yes." And now Songbird reddened a little. "Well, let us have the poem, anyway. I love dogs, and some poetry about them ought to run along pretty good."

Paul you have turned into a society lap-dog, and now by adding your strength to his weakness you are trying to make him a beast of prey." "Those are very bitter accusations," he answered gravely. His face was set, but shame for his recent outburst safeguarded him for the moment against a second. Harrow appeared after a short time to announce that the maid was ready, and Mary rose from her seat.

That brute that killed the lady's lap-dog?" PETER: "The very same!" MARGOT: "God help poor Wood!" Peter was so elated with this shattering escapade that a week after on the occasion of another row, in which I pointed out that he was the most selfish man in the world I heard him whistling under my bedroom window at midnight.

Gad! the first we know, we'll be up for fighting among ourselves, and we all know how the new court doth look on that." "Come away," laughed Castleton, gaily. "I'm for a pint of ale and an apple; and then beware! 'Tis always my fortune, when I come to this country drink, to win like a very countryman. I need revenge upon Lady Betty and her lap-dog. I've lost since ever I saw them last."

And he discovered that, unless he hung close to Auld Jock's heels, his freedom was in danger from a wee lassie who adored him. He was no lady's lap-dog. From the bairnie's soft cosseting he aye fled to Auld Jock and the rough hospitality of the sheep fold. Being exact opposites in temperaments, but alike in tastes, Bobby and Auld Jock were inseparable. In the quiet corner of Mr.

When he was moved his urbanity vanished and his talk was very blunt. "We'll let Grace's notion go. My form is not my step-children's, but I try to moderate my remarks about women. We'll admit Grace is a woman, although I sometimes doubt. Anyhow, you are not a man; you haven't a drop of warm blood in your veins! You're a curled and scented fine lady's lap-dog pup!"

They gave her no ill words, they indulged in no fantastical whims and vapours, and they did not even seem to expect other entertainment than to walk the country roads, to play with their little lap-dog Cupid, wind silks for their needlework, and please themselves with their embroidery-frames.

At Arras he fought beneath the orifiamme; at Guinegate you could not have found a more staunch Burgundian: though he was no warrior, victory followed him like a lap-dog. So that presently the Sieur d'Arnaye and the Vicomte de Puysange with which family we have previously concerned ourselves were the great lords of Northern France. But after the old King's death came gusty times for Sieur Raymond.