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Having tethered the horses outside, he entered and stood above me while I lit a lantern and examined the young officer's wound. "Nothing serious," I announced, "a fracture of the forearm and maybe a splintered bone. I can fix this up in no time." "You had better leave it to me and run," my kinsman answered.

Clouds rolled over us in dense masses, and at intervals the moon flashed upon us like a dark lantern. Could anything be more picturesque?

I wonder how she will feel when her own son is dragged off to prison! That will take her down " Hannah's words were suddenly cut short, for Jovial, who was going on before her, fell sprawling over some object that lay directly across the path, and the lantern rolled down the hill. "What is the matter, Jovial?" she inquired. "Honey, I done fell fell over somefin' or oder; it is law, yes "

When watching the lantern alone, I often hear a number of voices talking together, as it were, under the waves; and I twice caught the very words they uttered, but I cannot repeat them they dwell incessantly in my memory, but my tongue refuses to pronounce them, or to explain to others what they meant."

The assent was swift and positive, but neither the light of the more distant torches nor of the lantern close at hand was brilliant enough to show the baron how the girl's face blanched at the message that the Emperor Charles did not command, but only humbly entreated her to do him a favour that evening.

Streams of water were hissing against the steel barrier and flying back at the faces of the nozzle men in hot spray. "There's a bulge in the centre," reported the second officer. "Yes," said Dan, who seized a lantern and held it above his head, pointing out new objective marks for the water. The smoke had grown thicker.

The guides and porters having distributed the provisions between them, the signal for departure was given, and we set off in the midst of profound darkness, directing ourselves according to the lantern held up at some distance ahead. There was something solemn in this setting out.

If so, he will need his lantern." But I scarce heard Pierrebon's last words. The key of the rose petals had come to my hand. De Ganache had either arranged to meet, or to escape with, mademoiselle at twelve. This was the secret of it all, I was sure.

It was like the sound of blows. There cannot be anybody there now, can there?" Trevannion halted and listened. "I don't hear anything," he said presently. "Besides, who could be on the wharf now? You know the regulations, and the watchman is there to enforce them." "I think the noise has stopped." Trevannion flashed the lantern on him suspiciously. "Nerves again" had come into his mind.

"He moons along, you know, with his mind far away, and he doesn't know the path across the marsh a bit. He is bound to lose his way, and it is getting dark. Suppose I shall have to go and look for him." "With a lantern," suggested Loo, darkly, without looking toward Miriam. "Oh, yes!" replied Sep, with delight. "With a lantern, of course.