United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His eyes shifted under the sergeant’s steady, boring stare, and he glanced at the rest of his companions, the two disheveled fighters, the lanky man picking up a forage cap and handing it to one of them. "I dunno, Sergeant. Th’ boys ... they was jus’ funnin’. They didn’t meant nothin’, jus’ funnin’. Then these here Rebs, they come right after Helms, was gonna jump him from behind.

In reality, he was going to see one of his Conservatoire friends, a large, lanky dowdy, as swarthy as a mole and full of pretensions, who was destined for the tragic line of character, and inflicted upon her lover Athalie's dream, Camille's imprecations, and Phedre's monologue.

"I believe," he said as much to himself as to her, "that I'll have to have a word with old man Packard." She stared at him incredulously. Then she put her head back and laughed in high amusement. "Nobody'd miss guessing that you had your nerve with you, Mr. Lanky Stranger," she cried mirthfully.

They’d all lie their heads off to git a trooper into trouble. Wouldn’t you now?" The lanky man sidled along the bar to snarl at Fowler. "Stevens, shut that big mouth of yours, an’ I ain’t gonna say that agin! All right, Fowler, tell me what you saw!" Fowler slid the shotgun out of sight, apparently sure that an armistice, at least, was assured.

France or Teddy, as she had called him for a good many years. He was a frequent visitor, despite the fact that Mrs. Lancaster suffered him only because everybody else seemed to like him. He was fair, tall, and lanky, and so pleasant of countenance that it would not be worth while enumerating his defective features. Mrs.

But I am not at all satisfied with this theory, and should be loth to apply it to breeds so distinct as the heavy Belgian cart-horse, Welch ponies, cobs, the lanky Kattywar race, &c., inhabiting the most distant parts of the world. Now let us turn to the effects of crossing the several species of the horse-genus.

But as for being big, you should see Lanky 'Liph of Bone Gulch. Now there but here is your horse, missy." The horses of the dead Spaniards had been circling about them, more or less shyly. Two of them were quickly caught by the rough riders, and Rita and Delmonte mounted. As they did so, both glanced toward the spot where lay the brave horse that had borne them so well.

Of course, I was thankful that I had been picked up; yet if the weather settled I might have safely made my way back home in the Wavecrest. And it was easy to see that the skipper of the Scarboro considered the sloop his property in return for taking me aboard. The lanky captain of the whale ship was not a person to argue with. I knew it would be useless to bandy words with him.

"Land sakes! Cap'n Abe gone away? Don't seem possible." "There's a hull lot of seemin' impossible things in this world that come to pass just the same," the substitute storekeeper made answer, with some tartness. "Here's the needle drawer. Find what you want, ma'am." Louise was frankly spying. She saw that the customer was a lanky young woman in a sunbonnet.

They had gladly let "Lanky" monopolize the boat so as to be spared his society. To "Lanky's" disgust we had caught only two six-inch fish. Just as we started for the shore he made a farewell cast. Something struck his spinner; his reel sang, his rod bent, and he stood up in the boat, yelling instructions at me. The rest of the party quit fishing to watch him land the fish.