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He let the factory of Francis I languish, but carried on the art under his own name and fame.

Oh! I will delay no longer, my soul is impatient to see you, I cannot live another night without it; I die, by heaven, I languish for the appointed hour; you will believe, when you see my languid face, and dying eyes, how much and greater a sufferer in love I am. Most wretched

IN the course of a few days Toby had recovered from the effects of his adventure with the Happar warriors; the wound on his head rapidly healing under the vegetable treatment of the good Tinor. Less fortunate than my companion however, I still continued to languish under a complaint, the origin and nature of which were still a mystery.

Turini, aware of this circumstance, adapts his compositions with great intelligence to the place, and makes his slave, the organ, send forth the most affecting, long-protracted sounds, which languish in the air, and are some time a-dying. Nothing can be more original than his style.

When the Marquis del Vasto succeeded to the Spanish governorship of Milan in 1536, he determined to gratify an old grudge against the ex-pirate, and, having invited him to a banquet, made him prisoner. II Medeghino was not, however, destined to languish in a dungeon. Princes and kings interested themselves in his fate. He was released, and journeyed to the court of Charles V. in Spain.

Conscience dealt relentlessly with herself in those storms of argument which arose in her mind and had to be fought out; storms involving the readjustment of her life to the partnership of marriage. Yet she must not, if she placed value upon success, fall into the class of parasite wives who suffer their own independence of thought to languish.

'The matter rests not with us, but with himself. 'But he is a gentleman, Sire, I persisted, 'to whom truth is dearer than life, and who would rather languish in misery for thrice the term he is likely to last, than forfeit his own self-esteem by admitting falsehood and injustice. 'Then let him perish in his pride and obstinacy, cried the King impatiently. And thereupon he dismissed me."

It is tall and cylindrical and its leaves are narrow, delicately curled, with frilled edges. The petsai can, however, be grown on any soil where the ordinary cabbage could be cultivated and in many sections where the native vegetable would languish. We are told it is no uncommon thing for a petsai to reach sixty pounds in weight.

Thine is the tribute wrung hard from our anguish After the death blows are struck. We are thy bondmen who jest while we languish, We are thy souls, O Puck! In a blinding snow-storm that blotted out the roads and obscured the outlines of the densely forested mountains, two youths and a small donkey struggled over a mountain trail.

Solon is relegated and Croesus is elected. It is given a high place in the temple of God. Pious Lazarus is neglected but Dives is promoted. "What agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" Until this idol is cast out the church will and must languish. Spiritual life will be low and fervor impossible.