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French, Fijian, Syrian, Basque were there forty languages so that all the sons of men could read the good tidings and amuse themselves at the same time by trying to decipher the message in alien tongues.

Brooklyn Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies, Brooklyn Heights, opposite the City of New York. Sixth Class Barber's Grammar of Elocution; Writing, Spelling, Composition, and Vocal Music. Fifth Class Fourth Class Third Class Second Class First Class The French, Spanish, Italian, or Greek languages may be attended to, if required, at any time.

Again the inevitable misunderstanding of Indian pronunciation by the Spaniards caused them to write the same word in different forms according as the sounds were uttered and caught by the ear. An accurate copy of these documents of Oñate's time made by one versed in Pueblo nomenclature and somewhat acquainted with Pueblo languages would be highly desirable.

Consulting hereupon amongst ourselves, we were much perplexed. The denial of landing and hasty warning us away troubled us much; on the other side, to find that the people had languages, and were so full of humanity, did comfort us not a little. And above all, the sign of the cross to that instrument was to us a great rejoicing, and as it were a certain presage of good.

Let it therefore suffice, for the present purpose, to state that the comparative study of the language of the Mayas led us to suspect that, as it contains words belonging to nearly all the known languages of antiquity, and with exactly the same meaning, in their mode of writing might be found letters or characters or signs used in those tongues.

We certainly perfected her erotic education while she perfected herself in English by her own ready talent for language, for although only in her sixteenth year, she spoke five languages perfectly, besides all the local dialects of Italy, which differ greatly from each other. Her stay with us was much prolonged, for at the time she was about to leave us she proved to be with child by me.

These ancient and foreign languages were optional with the students, as well as the French language, which was introduced some years later. The first graduated class consisted of ten scholars, eight of whom afterwards became teachers.

This was the first of many translations into many European languages. Its influence in teaching patriotism cannot be estimated, nor can its value as an effective retort to the sneer "Who reads an American book?" ever be overlooked. About the early life of Cooper there are unfortunately but few anecdotes.

Paul laughed at their bad luck, while the captain swore picturesquely in several languages. Preparations were again made for the voyage to the islands which had been postponed on account of this misadventure. One evening the "Foam" stood away to the east. Three o'clock the next morning a furious gale set in and increased hourly until the vessel was under bare poles and scudding for the coast.

The principal one had at first attracted not only Dodo but every other woman, with the exception of Mary. He spoke English well, yet appeared to be equally at home in all socially useful languages.