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Silk sprang to his feet and snatched at the chair, dodging sideways. "Strike as you please," he snarled; "Ruth Josselin is a " But before the word could out Batty Langton's first blow beat down his guard. The second fell across his exposed shoulders, the third stunningly on the nape of his neck. The fourth a back-hander welted him full in the face, and the wretched man sank screaming for pity.

Talking of our friend Langton's house in Lincolnshire, he said, 'the old house of the family was burnt. A temporary building was erected in its room; and to this day they have been always adding as the family increased. It is like a shirt made for a man when he was a child, and enlarged always as he grows older.

Baretti, in a marginal note on Footeana, says: 'One half of it had been a string of obscenities. See post, April 24, 1779, note. See ante, i. 447. To pit is not in Johnson's Dictionary. Very likely Mr. Langton. See ante, ii. 254. Two months earlier Johnson had complained that Langton's table was rather coarse. Ante, p. 128. See post, April 13, 1781, where he again mentions this advice.

Ellen is somewhat vaguely sketched, in the style of Scott's heroines; but this sentence ends with a trace of the young writer's quality: "If pen could give an adequate idea of Ellen Langton's beauty, it would achieve what pencil ... never could; for though the dark eyes might be painted, the pure and pleasant thoughts that peeped through them could only be seen and felt."

That line was erased, and the line as it stands in the Works is substituted in Mr. Langton's hand, as is also an alteration in the 16th line, velit into jubet. Jubet however is in the copy as printed by Boswell. Mr. Langton edited some, if not all, of Johnson's Latin poems.

It needs not that I should particularize the subsequent events of Langton's and the boy's history how the reformation of the profligate might be dated to begin from that time how he gradually sever'd the guilty ties that had so long gall'd him how he enjoy'd his own home again how the friendship of Charles and himself grew not slack with time and how, when in the course of seasons he became head of a family of his own, he would shudder at the remembrance of his early dangers and his escapes.

On the frame of his portrait, Mr. Beauclerk had inscribed, Ingenium ingens Inculto latet hoc sub corpore. After Mr. Beauclerk's death, when it became Mr. Langton's property, he made the inscription be defaced. Johnson said complacently, 'It was kind in you to take it off; and then after a short pause, added, 'and not unkind in him to put it on.

All this was done either by St Richard himself, or with the money gathered at his shrine. In the first half of the fourteenth century little would appear to have been built, save that certain beautiful windows, as that in the end of the south aisle of the choir and that in the south transept, with Bishop Langton's tomb beneath it, were inserted, and the fine stalls were built in the choir.

Bythesea, Deputy-Collector; young Shem Hacksteed and young Denzil Baynes, sons of wealthy New Englanders, astray for the while, and sowing their wild oats in a society openly scornful of New England traditions. Batty Langton's was the chair nearest the door, and Batty Langton was the one moderately sober man of the company.

Dr Langton's daughters heard little of the doings of the "Christian Brethren" during these bright months. It was not that he had changed his opinions, or in any way drawn back from his admiration for the men connected with this movement.