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And sae, whether she says 'na, or 'yes, there will be peace between you twa." "That is cutting a knot with a vengeance, Maggie." "Life isna lang enough to untie some knots." Then with her head still resolutely turned from Allan, she put by the wheel, and went into her room, and locked its door. Her face was as gray as ashes.

But houses and families and men have a' stood lang eneugh when they have stood till they fall with honour; and now I hae gotten a house that is not unlike a domus ultima' they were now standing below a steep rock. So, fare you well, my good lad, till we meet at Janet's in the even; for I must get into my Patmos, which is no easy matter for my auld stiff limbs.

Lang, Mr. Dobson, Mr. Henley, and all contemporary roundeleers; but for good reasons, he will be the last to publish the result. The Cigarette walked burthened with a volume of Michelet. And both these books, it will be seen, played a part in the subsequent adventure. The Arethusa was unwisely dressed.

Buzzby said this in a recklessly facetious tone, and Tom Green followed it up with a remark to the effect that "he'd be blowed if he ever wos in sich a fix in his life;" intimating his belief, at the same time, that his "toes wos freezin'." "No fear o' that," said the second mate, "they'll no' freeze as lang as they're in the water. We'll just have to stand here till the tide goes doon."

Dickie Lang was poised in the bow like a figurehead, one foot resting on the rail. Her hair, jerked from her cap by the fingers of the dawn-wind, streamed out behind her in a shower of dull red gold. Her eyes were shining with the joy of the chase. "He's almost at the turn," she called back. "He'll never make it on an outgoing tide. He's got to slow up. If he does, we've got him. If he doesn't "

"Went to 'Bijah Lang, the street-commissioner." "You haven't got any friend who would like you to pass the job over to him?" "No." "Think I could do it?" "Wal, yes, if you've got the gumption! Your arms and legs 'pear to be all right! Ever see any work of the kind?" "Yes; I used to watch them on the road up Bear Mountain, at Lame Gulch." "Know how to drill a hole in a rock?"

He knew full well how Nick was watching his every action, trying to hug just a glimmer of hope to his heart that, perhaps, Hugh might be merciful, and let him off, as the skates were now once again in his possession. The shadow of the Reformatory loomed up dreadfully close to Nick Lang just then, darker than he had ever before imagined it could look.

All then separated on their different occasions, auguring variously upon the fate of the smuggler, but the majority insisting that her capture was inevitable, if she had not already gone to the bottom. 'It is near our dinner-time, my dear, said Mrs. Bertram to her husband; 'will it be lang before Mr. Kennedy comes back?

I'm glad she sent it in money." "So am I. 'T isn't a butter-knife, anyhow." "How do you mean?" inquired Laura. "Why, Mr. Lang was telling last night about his clerk. He said he bought a pair of butter-knives for his clerk Hillman, hearing that he was to be married, and got them marked.

By the side of this lotus marsh, just as it glitters at evening, walks Li La Ting, the Chinese girl, to bring the cows home; she goes behind them singing of the river Lo Lang Ho.