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Achilles, Aeneas, Lancelot, the Red Cross Knight are the terms in this series; they mark the transformation of the most savage act of man into the symbol of his highest spiritual effort.

"I'm a cobbler, oh yes, but then I'm a valiant cobbler, as valiant as Sir Bedevere, or Sir Lancelot, or any of 'em, every bit, come and try me!" and he made a pass in the air with the awl as though it had been a two-edged sword. But, at this moment, the door of the inner room was pushed open and Clemency appeared.

'Hark ye, Sir Lancelot, thou mayest swear to Heaven as to some things, and there are those that may be moved by thy round oaths. But this I charge upon thee, thou false, proud knight, that thou didst slay two unarmed men men that loved thee and worshipped thee! Forsooth, thou boastful braggart and mouthing hero, thou wilt not dare to deny it!

Is not a look, a word, infinitely more than I deserve? And yet I pretend to admire tales of chivalry! Old knightly hearts would have fought and wandered for years to earn a tithe of the favours which have been bestowed on me unasked. Peace! poor Lancelot! Thy egg is by no means addle; but the chick is breaking the shell in somewhat a cross-grained fashion.

At which Lancelot smiled sweetly and commended her wisdom in changing her rig, and as for me I would have adored her more than before, had that been possible, to find her so adaptable to danger.

The other she biddeth be disarmed and clothed and commandeth that his wounds be searched. Then maketh she Lancelot be disarmed and clad right richly in a good robe, and telleth him that she knoweth well who he is. "Lady," saith Lancelot, "It is well for me."

At length, losing patience, the Cavalier, who we had no doubt was the Prince himself, rode round to where his cavalry were posted. The advance was sounded, and now the horse, drawn up in the rear, urged forward the foot with lances and pistol shots at their backs. "They must come on this time," cried Lancelot; "if they don't, they'll get cut down by their friends in the rear."

"My fair lords," said Sir Lancelot, "wit ye well if I have deserved thanks, I have sore bought them, for I am like never to escape with my life; therefore I pray ye let me depart, for I am sore hurt. I take no thought of honour, for I had rather rest me than be lord of all the world." And therewith he groaned piteously, and rode a great gallop away from them.

But I came back because they didn't." He turned to Lucy. "And because I was asked here." She asked him, "Were you ski-ing? Lancelot will grudge you that." He told her, "I was not. No lonely death for me. I was bobbing it. You are swept off by dozens at a time there by fifties in a cave. It's more cheerful." Then he seemed to remark something which he thought she ought to know. "Jimmy.

'Would that you, too, would submit yourself to that guidance! . . . You, too, would seem to want some loving heart whereon to rest. . . . Lancelot sighed. 'I am not a child, but a man; I want not a mother to pet, but a man to rule me. Slowly his companion raised his thin hand, and pointed to the crucifix, which stood at the other end of the apartment.