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"The dog lies to sow doubts in your minds ere he goes out to hang. It is a puerile revenge." I laughed with amused confidence. There was one among them had heard Lampugnani's words touching the messenger's hat words that had cost the fellow his life. But my concern was little with the effect my words might produce upon his followers. "By to-morrow you will know whether I have lied or not.

At one and the same moment the daggers of the three conspirators struck him Olgiati's in the breast, Visconti's in the back, Lampugnani's in the belly. He cried 'Ah, Dio! and fell dead upon the pavement. The friends were unable to make their escape; Visconti and Lampugnani were killed on the spot; Olgiati was seized, tortured, and torn to death.

But let Lampugnani be. I am not come to talk of him. "Returning from his bloody act, Ramiro ordered me to bed. I went, and as I passed Lampugnani's room I saw the door standing wide. It was thus that I learnt what had befallen.

What time I was obeying him my mind was returning to that matter of Lampugnani's words, and it is not difficult to understand how I should arrive at the only possible conclusion they suggested. The hats of the other messengers from Vitelli, that the officer had mentioned, had been brought to Ramiro.