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He looked out presently, but there was nothing but the dark well of the staircase disappearing round to the left, and the glimmer of an oil lamp somewhere from the depths below him, with wavering shadows as the light was blown about by the gusts that came up from outside.

"Miss Ruth," said I, "light or dark, I'm here according to my orders, and the ship's here, and as I said to you before the yellow boy to-day, we're waiting for our mistress to go aboard." She had her back to me when I said this, and was busy enough drawing the curtains and lighting the lamp again.

Smith, with an alert glance to right and left, pushed open the wooden gate and drew me in upon the gravel path. Darkness mantled all; for the nearest street lamp was fully twenty yards beyond. From the miniature jungle bordering the path, a soft whistle sounded. "Is that Carter?" called Smith, sharply.

She also wondered where the pleasant faced lady was. She felt strangely nervous, and a bit afraid. She could not have told why she felt afraid to move, and so sat absolutely still. Her eyes roved from one object to another, first looking at the pictures on the wall, then the ornaments upon the mantel, then the lamp upon the table just before her, then,

The Darties saw Bosinney spring out, and Irene follow, and hasten up the steps with bent head. She evidently had her key in her hand, for she disappeared at once. It was impossible to tell whether she had turned to speak to Bosinney. The latter came walking past their cab; both husband and wife had an admirable view of his face in the light of a street lamp. It was working with violent emotion.

She smothered an expression of joy, snatched the key and ran upstairs. Lovely just as she was thinking of him! She let herself in anticipating a glad welcome and saw that he was lying on the sofa asleep. The only light in the room was from the extension lamp on the table and by its shaded glow she stood looking at him.

Thou whomsoever thou mayst be, into whose hands these memoirs of the wretched Matilda may fall' when your lamp suddenly expires in the socket, and leaves you in total darkness." "Oh! No, no do not say so. Well, go on."

As he went down the stairs he became conscious of a cold air playing about, as if from an open door or window. He set his lamp on the stone sill of the passage-window, and had his hand on the key of the outer door to unlock it, when he heard a quick, sudden scream, apparently from the oldest part of the building.

Then taking her seat by the brightly burning lamp, she drew the letter from her pocket and read it aloud, while Alice drummed an occasional note upon the piano and Eugenia beat a tattoo upon the carpet with her delicate French slipper. "Of course she won't come," said Alice, as her mother finished reading.

Still proudly enough she followed the women, who, bent double as before, led her to a great hut lit by a rude lamp filled with melted hippopotamus fat, where they set down her bags, and departed, to return presently with food and water.