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Tributes of admiration and envy poured in upon him, anonymous missives, tender and daring, odorous with the atmosphere of luxurious boudoirs, and coarse scrawls, scented with orange-peel and lamp-smoke, and seeming to hiss with the sibilant whisper of green-room spite; and the young actor, valuing alike the sentiments, kindly or malign, which ministered to his egoism, intoxicated with the first foamy draught of fame, grew careless, freakish, and arrogant, as all suddenly adopted pets of the public are likely to do.

All is most sincere, grave and explicit. Rubens deserved great credit for all these letters, for surely they were written with sweat and lamp-smoke. The work of the toiler is over all, but we must remember that at that time he had been studying Italian only about a year.

"No, my son." "Then why do you speak to me of danger and death?" Toolooha was not gifted with argumentative powers. She relapsed into silence and lamp-smoke. But her son was not to be so easily dissuaded. He adopted a line of reasoning which never failed.

As for your nose esprit de marrow fat, extract of singed hide, essence of lamp-smoke, eau de cuisine, and de-oxygenised atmosphere of snow-hut, have often inclined you to dash into the open air, regardless of frost and snow, for purposes of revivification.

And really there was much inspiration to be derived from the lamp-smoke, for the wick being a mass of moss steeped in an open cup of seal-oil, the smoke of it rose in varied convolutions that afforded almost as much scope for suggestive contemplation as our familiar coal-fires.

The oppression of that stooping position, the lamp-smoke, the unusual strain on the muscles, the realization of a whole world of gold above and all about them, seemed to strangle and enervate them. But steadily they kept on and on. The turning of the passage revealed a long, descending incline, that sloped down at an angle of perhaps thirty degrees. A marked rise in temperature grew noticeable.

Privacy is not one of his luxuries he wants a house full: where there is room for a bunk, there is room for a man. An anthill, a beehive, a rabbit-warren are his models of domestic comfort: what is stinted room for two Americans is spaciousness for a dozen Chinese. Go into one of their cabins at night, and you are in an oven full of opium- and lamp-smoke.

The Colonel walked about the parlor, inspecting his regiment of lamps. By and by Mr. Geordie entered. "Mph! mph!" he sniffed, as he came in. "You smell of lamp-smoke here." That always galls people, to have a new-comer accuse them of smoke or close air, which they have got used to and do not perceive.

"I am Lord Green-Gold, I offer my house, my fortune and my love to Princess Hotaru." "Go and bring me fire and I will be your bride" said Hotaru-himé. With a bow of the head the beetle opened his wings and departed with a stately whirr. Next came a shining bug with wings and body as black as lamp-smoke, who solemnly professed his passion. "Bring me fire and you may have me for your wife."

"Where is your husband, Nuna?" asked the sailor, sitting down on a walrus skull. "Out after seals." "And Nunaga?" "Visiting the mother of Arbalik." The seaman looked thoughtfully at the lamp-smoke for a few moments. "She is a hard woman, that mother of Arbalik," he said. "Issek is not so hard as she looks," returned Mrs Okiok; "her voice is rough, but her heart is soft."