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Oh, little you know what I have suffered these two days for both your sakes! Lamh Laudher Oge, I doubt it would be well for me if I had never seen your face." "Anything undher heaven but what you want me to do, Ellen." "Oh! don't refuse me this, John. I ask it, as I said, for both your sake, an' for my own sake. Meehaul wouldn't strike an unresistin' man.

"There," added his informant, "is the house where Lamh Laudher Oge's aunt lives, and where he himself has lived since he left his father's." "Ah!" said the black, pausing, "is he within, do you think?" One of the crowd immediately inquired, and replied to him in affirmative. "Will any of you," continued the boxer, "bring me over a half-hundred weight from the market crane?

The two ruffians, finding that there was no chance of succeeding, fled across the fields; and our humble hero, on looking for Nanse and her aunt, discovered that they also had disappeared. It is unnecessary to detail the strong terms in which the strangers expressed their gratitude to Lamh Laudher.

"Lamh Laudher!" said she, forgetting herself, "I ax your forgive ." Her head fell down before she could conclude the sentence, and thus closed the last moments of Nell M'Collum.

Deep sorrow for the fate of Lamh Laudher prevailed throughout the town; the old men sighed at the folly of his rash and fatal obstinacy, and the females shed tears at the sacrifice of one whom all had loved.

I expect you will answer me candidly?" "It's no matther," replied young Lamh Laudher gloomily, "my character's gone. I cannot be worse, an' I will tell no man how I spent it, till I have an opportunity of clarin' myself." "If you spent it innocently," returned the magistrate, "you can have no hesitation in making the disclosure we require."

Come, I shall conduct you home." He caught her arm as he spoke, and drew her over to his side like an infant. "Come, my pretty girl, come; I will treat you tenderly, and all I shall ask is a kiss in return. Here, young fellow," said he to Lamh Laudher, with a sense of bitter triumph, "I will show you that one black kiss is worth two white ones."

Lamh Laudher's very friends felt mortified, and the decaying spirit of Lamh Laudher More rallied for a moment. His voice alone was heard above the dead silence, "He will come, back," said he, "my son will come; and I would now rather see him dead than that he should fear to be a man." He had scarcely spoken, when a loud cheer, which came rapidly onward, was heard outside the church-yard.

"I wish to heaven I had, John! but indeed I have far worse; ay, a thousand times worse. They have all joined against me, an' I'm not to see or speak to you at all." "That's hard," replied Lamh Laudher, drawing his breath tightly; "but I know where it comes from. I think your father might be softened a little, ay, a great deal, if it wasn't for your brother Meehaul."

After the lapse of a short interval, in which Lamh Laudher's daughter received back her money, the certificate, and the gospel, her brother discovered that Rody was the person who had, through Ellen Neil, communicated to him the secret that assisted him in vanquishing the Dead Boxer, a piece of information which saved him from prosecution.