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Still the name was sweet, and I protest the Saracen had a perfect right to mention it whenever he felt so inclined." "You jest at everything," she lamented "which is one of the many traits that I dislike in you." "Knowing your heart to be very tender," he submitted, "I am endeavoring to present as jovial and callous an appearance as may be possible to you, whom I love as Palomides loved Ysoude.

In Baldwin's hall that day Hereward met Dolfin; and when the magnificent young Scot sprang to him, embraced him, talked over old passages, complimented him on his fame, lamented that he himself had won no such honors in the field, Hereward felt much more inclined to fight for him than against him. Presently the ladies entered from the bower inside the hall.

There may you see the clasped hands and upraised eyes of a Magdalen, the pale and steady resolve of John, the weeping company of women who bewailed and lamented him; but none dare press so near, or seem so identical with him in his sufferings, as this mother. And as we gaze on these two in human form, surrounded by other human forms, how strange the contrast!

Unto this testifieth that which hath been sent down in the sacred Scriptures by Him Who is the Lord of might and power. 164 Some lamented in their separation from Me, others endured hardships in My path, and still others laid down their lives for the sake of My Beauty, could ye but know it. Say: I, verily, have not sought to extol Mine own Self, but rather God Himself, were ye to judge fairly.

"Your Majesty's lamented predecessor " "Is dead," said the king gently. He had no desire to hear the minister recount that ruler's virtues. "Peace to his ashes." "Five millions of crowns!" The minister had lost his equipoise in the face of the Englishman's great riches, of which hitherto he had held some doubts. Suddenly a vivid thought entered his confused brain.

"If it had been me to go into a passion and use insubordinate language, no one would have wondered," he lamented. "But you, Hal who have barely lost your temper three times in your life! And on a mere matter of sentiment, too!" "Didn't you yourself accuse me of a tendency to the sentimental?" "That was in an affair in which it was more or less natural.

Turner having sat and supped with me. This morning I hear that last night Sir Thomas Teddiman, poor man! did die by a thrush in his mouth: a good man, and stout and able, and much lamented; though people do make a little mirth, and say, as I believe it did in good part, that the business of the Parliament did break his heart, or, at least, put him into this fever and disorder, that caused his death.

"What are you goin' a'ready for?" he lamented. "You needn't come if you don't want," she said. And she went slowly away with her little girl, whilst her son stood watching her, cut to the heart to let her go, and yet unable to leave the wakes.

And another venerable octavo, containing a certificate from Sir Christopher Wren to its authenticity, entitled "Knox's Captivity in Ceylon, 1681" abounding in stories about the Devil, who was superstitiously supposed to tyrannise over that unfortunate land: to mollify him, the priests offered up buttermilk, red cocks, and sausages; and the Devil ran roaring about in the woods, frightening travellers out of their wits; insomuch that the Islanders bitterly lamented to Knox that their country was full of devils, and consequently, there was no hope for their eventual well-being.

To an acquaintance who lamented the apparent weakness of the President-elect, Douglas said emphatically, "No, he is not that, Sir; but he is eminently a man of the atmosphere which surrounds him. He has not yet got out of Springfield, Sir.... He he does not know that he is President-elect of the United States, Sir, he does not see that the shadow he casts is any bigger now than it was last year.