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And she handed her the expensive instrument with an air of perfect confidence in her ability to take care of it. "May I stay over there with Uncle Teddy and watch them take pictures?" asked Antha, for whom the time was beginning to lag now that the others were not on the island. "Yes, certainly," said Aunt Clara. "I gave them plenty of lunch for three."

I said to Silas as he put out the lamp last night, 'The good Lord may let His deliverance horses lag along the track, but He always drives them in on the home stretch for His own, of which Moseby Craddock is one. 'Why, she's so fine she can't eat eggs outen chickens that costs less than maybe a hundred dollars the dozen, answered Silas to me as he put out the cat."

It is to be hoped also that the Gazette of India, which publishes the official verbatim reports, will not in future lag so far behind the actual proceedings. All these are minor points.

Some of them rebelled at once, and declared that they wouldn't stir a step, but thought better of it when Marcy told them that, if they did not go willingly, they would be marched down by a squad of soldiers, who would not hesitate to help them along by a prod from a bayonet if they showed the least disposition to lag behind.

Sinners that have been kept down and had examples held up to them, and suffered frequent lectures, and been so put upon in a moral way and in the matter of going slow and being serious and bottling up slang, and so crowded in regard to the matter of being proper and always and forever behaving, that their lives have become a burden to them, would not lag behind pilgrims at such a time as this, and wink furtively, and be joyful, and commit other such crimes because it would not occur to them to do it.

Keep this right up. Don't lag for an instant. Is there a town near here?" The driver informed Phil that there was one about a mile ahead of them. Phil rode on until he reached it. Here he jumped out, taking a bundle of paper with him, ordering his men to drive on. With him he carried a bucket of paste and a brush.

'Don't keep me here! The woman, who had hesitated at first, walked boldly in, without any other invitation. Mr. Bumble, who was ashamed or afraid to lag behind, followed: obviously very ill at ease and with scarcely any of that remarkable dignity which was usually his chief characteristic.

All the great commercial nations pay heavy subsidies to their merchant marine so that it is obvious that without some wise aid from the Congress the United States must lag behind in the matter of merchant marine in its present anomalous position. Legislation to facilitate the extension of American banks to foreign countries is another matter in which our foreign trade needs assistance.

On they dashed, and a ghostly yellow light began to envelop them. "The smoke overhead," said Alex. "It will soon be down here, too." "I smell it," panted Jack a moment later. Soon they began to feel it in their eyes. Jack began to lag. "How much farther, Alex?" he gasped. "Only a short distance, now. Yes, here we are," announced Alex, as brighter light appeared ahead of them.

The rearguard, commanded by the general himself, covered the rear, but fortunately the enemy did not come up until evening; but so numerous were the stragglers that when the French cavalry charged, they mustered in sufficient force to repel their attack, a proof that it was not so much fatigue as insubordination that caused them to lag behind.