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The old patterns, however, were still in request in remote provincial places, and village goldsmiths adhered "indifferent well" to the antique traditions of their craft. Their city brethren had meanwhile no skill to do aught but make clumsy copies of Greek and Roman originals. In this rapid sketch of the industrial arts there are many lacunae.

Here is eternal freshness of conviction and ardour for reform; great keenness of perception in spots, and in other spots lacunae and impulsive judgments; distrust of tradition, of words, of constructive argument; horror of vested interests and of their smooth defenders; a love of navigating alone and exploring for oneself even the coasts already well charted by others.

Of course, it was easy to fill the lacunae in the text. Silas Upham adored his daughter and his ranch. If Hetty married Wilkins, the artful Silas would gain an able- bodied, capable major-domo, and he would not lose his pet lamb. I said, rather tartly "Look here, Upham, you know nothing of Wilkins, and I advise you and er Miss Hetty to go slow."

The educated Chinese, however much they may venerate their classics, think of them as we think of the masterpieces of Greek literature, aS texts which may contain wrong readings, interpolations and lacunae, which owe whatever authority they possess to the labours of the scholars who collected, arranged and corrected them.

"I must say," said he, "that I think it would be a mighty poor thing to go back to London before I know a great deal more of this place than I do at present." Besides, so far as I can see it is not worth discussing, since we can't get down, even if we wanted." "Our young friend makes up for many obvious mental lacunae by some measure of primitive common sense," remarked Challenger.

For a scientific analysis, however, the large range of recorded facts and the written history, which at first sight seems to have no lacunae, are not sufficient. Most of the questions remain open and need investigation.

It would not be knowledge of selection or of spontaneous variation, terms which are mere verbal bridges over the gaps in that knowledge, and mark the lacunae and unsolved problems of the science.

It is easier, and at the same time it is safer, to rest content with the news supplied from house to house by the great purveyors, rather than put oneself to the pains of going to the fountain head in order to revise or to supplement current information. These errors and these lacunae are serious, however they originate, as the public is beginning to realise.

I've the most extraordinary lacunae." "Oh I don't know about others," Nanda replied; "I haven't noticed them. But you've that one, and it's enough." He continued to face her with his queer mixture of assent and speculation. "Enough for what, my dear? To have made me impossible for you because the only man you could, as they say, have 'respected' would be a man who WOULD have minded?"

We become familiar with the whole life of the least insect, and all its unending related circumstances; we obtain sudden glimpses of insight into our own organization, with its abysses and its lacunae, and also into those rich provinces or faculties which we are only beginning to suspect in the depths of our unconscious activity.