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The fellow-units in the industrial scheme in which he had become fixed, might say of him, "Yes, a good fellow, steady, intelligent, but lacks push, he'll never get there." Such are the trite summaries of man among men.

But the spirit of independence and hardy manhood which brought the Puritans to the shores of a New England wilderness he lacks.

He will fight warily, take no unnecessary risk, and strike only when he is perfectly sure of striking home. He has never flung himself with emotion into any movement of the human mind, not because he lacks devotion, but because he thinks the victories of emotion are often defeats in disguise. He wishes to be certain.

You deserve to be happy, since, through it all, you still think of me, no less than I think of you, in my monotonous life, which, though it lacks color, is yet not empty, and, if uneventful, is not unfruitful. God bless you, then! Madame, It is the desire of my wife that you should not learn first from the formal announcement of an event which has filled us with joy.

They may not be far removed from European ancestry, but for themselves they have had the advantage of a rearing in American ways in the home, the school, and society at large. They are both city and country bred. The country boy has the advantage of physical strength and better manual training, but he often lacks intellectual development, and usually has little capital to start with.

"He lacks the polish of a man of affairs, and he surrenders too easily." "He will never surrender Madame." "How?" "You remember his father; he will prove his father's son, every inch of him. O, my Colonel, the curtain has only risen. One fine morning your duchy will wake up without a duchess." "What do you imply an abduction?" The Colonel laughed. "That is my secret."

He is a prairie animal and lives in burrows in the ground as most prairie animals do. His back is of a grayish color, while his sides are yellowish red. Beneath he is white. The upper side of his tail is yellowish-gray, below it is yellowish, and the tip is black. In general appearance he is more like the Gray Fox than Reddy. He lacks the quick wit of Reddy Fox and is easily trapped.

Whoever does it is rewarded by something which, if not gratitude, is at least spontaneous and vital and lacks that irksome sense of obligation with which a substantial benefit is too often acknowledged. In addition to the neighbors who responded to the receptions and classes, we found those who were too battered and oppressed to care for them.

The mule is relatively undemonstrative, its emotions being sufficiently expressed by an occasional bray a mode of utterance which he has inherited from the humbler side of his house in a singularly unchanged way. Even in the best humor it appears sullen, and lacks those playful capers which give such expression to the well-bred horse, particularly in its youthful state.

It sometimes takes the discerning eye of a man to perceive what a woman's toilet lacks." What can it be, she asked herself, looking wonderingly and inquiringly up into his face, and then turning to follow him with her gaze as, without further comment, he left the room and slowly ascended the stairs to his study on the floor above.