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There was a good quantity of Flanders lace lodged in a private house, where she had gotten intelligence of it, and Flanders lace being prohibited, it was a good booty to any custom-house officer that could come at it.

"Isn't it wonderful," exclaimed Cora, appealing to the others to observe him, "what an improvement a disappointment in love can make in deportment?" For once, Hedrick only smiled. Laura had spent some thoughtful hours upon her black lace dress with results that astonished her family: it became a ball-gown and a splendidly effective one.

In it she kept her handkerchief, snuffbox, knitting, half-peeled vegetables, spectacles, calendar, a bit of livery gold lace just begun, a greasy pack of cards, and two volumes of novels, all stuck into the hollow of the back.

But she merely laughed and continued to retreat before him, keeping the distance between them, hastening her steps whenever he struck a faster gait, pausing and looking back at him with a mocking smile when his steps slackened; a gracefully malicious, tormenting, laughing creature of lace and silk, whose retreat was a challenge, whose every movement and gesture seemed instinct with the witchery of provocation.

All pink lace and and Cupids, and the picture of a young man and a young woman in a garden." "Was that all?" "Oh, no, there was a verse, in the oddest handwriting. I wonder who sent it?" "Perhaps Ralph," I hazarded ecstatically. "Ralph couldn't write poetry," she replied disdainfully. "Besides, it was very good poetry." I suggested other possible authors and admirers. She rejected them all.

A woman, whose face was covered with a black lace veil, seized me by the arm with some violence, and said, calling me by my name, "I know you very well; tell your Queen not to meddle with government any longer; let her leave her husband and our good States General to effect the happiness of the people."

Courtlandt would have liked nothing better than to hold the lace in his lap, for it was possible that Herr Rosen might wish to shake hands, however disinclined he might be within to perform such greeting. The lace disappeared. Mrs. Harrigan smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress. From the others there had been little movement and no sound to speak of.

On her face was a new, strange look, as of something half forgotten. It was as though the spirit of Sophy-as-she-might-have-been were inhabiting her soul for a brief moment. At Louie's next words the look was gone. "Can't you sew something a lace yoke or whatever you call 'em in that dress?" he persisted. "Aw, fade!" jeered Sophy. "When a girl's only got one dress it's got to have some tong to it.

If to be a conservative is to let all the drains of thought choke up and keep all the soul's windows down, to shut out the sun from the east and the wind from the west, to let the rats run free in the cellar, and the moths feed their fill in the chambers, and the spiders weave their lace before the mirrors, till the soul's typhus is bred out of our neglect, and we begin to snore in its coma or rave in its delirium, I, Sir, am a bonnet-rouge, a red cap of the barricades, my friends, rather than a conservative.

He found her in a litter of dressmaking lengths of material, old costumes, bits of stage jewelry, patterns, gold lace, were outspread on chairs, hung from the table, lay in bright rich heaps on the floor.