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The real laboring men of this country can succeed if they are united. By laboring men, I do not mean only the farmers. I mean all who contribute in some way to the general welfare. They should forget prejudices and party names, and remember only the best interests of the people. Let us see if we cannot, in Illinois, protect every department of industry.

It presently transpired that many an evening when they were supposed to be in the study or at the library or the theatre, Elmendorf was off at some meeting of the laboring men, largely attended by loafers who labored not at all, and no one knew just where Cary had gone unless he chose to tell.

I know nothing of its origin, but I venture to say it was written by one whose heart overflows with love to everybody, but who is 'laboring under a delusion." I did not tell them of the "delusion" which you were "under," in the Senior's room, but I said, "I have a nephew in a New England college who has the Northern evil very badly. But he is so very kind.

Behold the zeal of the advocates of some of the false movements of these days! See how they pour out their money like water. See how they never can be satisfied unless they are laboring for their movement. Are we as zealous as they? If not, why not?

Every effort of thinking and laboring humanity, every individual and social speculation, as an integrant part of collective wealth, obeys this law.

Much exhausted, and laboring under deep emotion, Bishop Meade shook the general by the hand, and said: "Heaven bless you! Heaven bless you! and give you wisdom for your important and arduous duties!" These were the last words uttered during the interview.

For this circle of children, which convened from time to time, she prepared work and furnished employment until a box was ready, and, under the direction of older friends, sent to a missionary who was laboring for God in distant China. As she grew older, her missionary interest increased.

Judge, then, of my amazement and joy, when I found as I did find the very laboring population of New Bedford living in better houses, more elegantly furnished surrounded by more comfort and refinement than a majority of the slaveholders on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. There was my friend, Mr. Yet Mr. Johnson was a working man, and his hands were hardened by honest toil.

He is even called lazy, good-for-nothing, and "shiftless," the final stigma that we put upon a person who has learned to wait without the exhausting process of laboring. I made his acquaintance last summer in the country, and I have not in a long time been so well pleased with any of our species. He was a man past middle life, with a large family.

Instead of doing this, however, Caesar, ordering all other operations to be suspended, employed the whole laboring force of his command, under the direction of the captains of the several companies, in digging wells in every part of his quarter of the city.