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"Cowardice" and "Mediocrity," are the names with which he labels modern notions of virtue and moderation. In Part III., we get the sentiments of the discourse "In the Happy Isles", but perhaps in stronger terms. Once again we find Nietzsche thoroughly at ease, if not cheerful, as an atheist, and speaking with vertiginous daring of making chance go on its knees to him.

"Yes, only that, for you, because you don't need the trite, obvious labels that one affixes to other people. You don't need me to say that you are good or true or brave; it's like a delicate seal that comprises and expresses everything, the trite things and the strange, lovely things when I say that you are enchanting."

To see what one has not seen before, is not that almost as good as to see what no one has ever seen? Romance, exhilaration, self-importance these are what my labels symbolised and recalled to me. That lost collection was a running record of all my happiest hours; a focus, a monument, a diary.

Marjorie announced the last words with a triumphant air, but her hearers did not seem very much impressed. "What then?" asked Molly, evidently awaiting something more startling. "Why, then, you put it in bottles, and paste labels on, and take it all around and sell it to people.

He quoted fragments from philosophical books about the will-to-power and the Uebermensch that stuck like burrs in August Turnbull's memory, furnishing him with labels, backing, for many of his personally evolved convictions and experience. They were soon descending the steps to the anteroom of the cafe, where the men left their hats and sticks.

Music, painting, are labels that designate the form of action; the soul of it lies below. The earnest merchant and the earnest anti-tradesman do join hands and work together. Not ends are demanded of them, but vital strength and soul. The world does not need that I name my work, but that the work be accomplished. The midnight warns me to pause.

"The evidence of two labels, pasted one over the other, upon a box left by you in possession of Mrs. Vincent, the upper label bearing the name of Miss Graham, the lower that of Mrs. George Talboys." My lady was silent.

When the sick come to Brother Luke for treatment, if any of the few drugs which he has accumulated chance to have lost their labels a not uncommon contingency in this land of mist and fog he takes down a likely-looking bottle from the shelf, and tries a dose of the contents on this Mrs. Goochy and awaits results. If nothing untoward transpires, he then passes the medicine on to the patient. Mrs.

The long promenades are formed by picturesque trees and shrubs which have been collected from every clime; the immense number of labels, as one approaches more closely, rather disfigure the display of flowers, but as usefulness is the object, it is impossible otherwise than to approve the extreme order and regularity with which every plant, according to its genus, is classified, affording a most delectable treat to a regular botanist.

"Poetry In Uncle Jonathan's library?" said Janet, in a mystified way. She had a general impression of Jonathan's library as of century-old preserves, altogether dried up and quite indistinguishable one from the other except by labels. Poetry she could not imagine as being there at all. Finally she thought of the early Victorians, and Spenser and Chaucer.