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Pickwick said: "It is punch." He made casual examination of the green and gold label. "'Burke's Oirish, begob! . . . eyah! a brave ould uniform but" he turned a moist eye on his subordinate "a desp'ritly wounded souldier that wears ut betther out av pain. 'Tis an' ould sayin': 'Whin ye meet th' divil du not turn tail but take um by th' harns. . . . Bhoy!

Sectionalism was the favorite charge which the Democrats brought against their enemies; and yet it was upon these very Democrats that the slaveholders had hitherto relied, and it was upon certain members of this party that the label, "Northern men with Southern principles," had been bestowed.

When the plague was raging in the neighbourhood, the loving daughter's solicitude is thus shown: "I send you two pots of electuary as a preventive against the plague. The one without the label consists of dried figs, walnuts, rue, and salt, mixed together with honey. A piece of the size of a walnut to be taken in the morning, fasting, with a little Greek wine."

'But I am quite aware that in a world of claptrap the philosopher gets all the kicks, and the philanthropists, to give them their own label, all the halfpence. The impassive tone had gradually warmed to a heat which was unmistakable. Lady Charlotte looked on with interesting relish.

It must be obvious to even the cursory student that a great deal of what is now being put forward as religious is really no more than a sociology with a religious label. The feeling for truth, beauty, justice, the desire for social intercourse, are all treated as expressions of religious conviction.

I should never forgive myself if I injured your reputation." Raeburn smiled rather bitterly. "You need not fear that. My reputation has long been at the mercy of all the lying braggarts in the country. Men label me socialist one day, individualist the next. I become communist or egotist, as is most convenient to the speaker and most damaging to myself.

First he squinted into the right "eff" hole and he grunted in approval as he spied the label, which read as follows: NICOLAUS AMATI CREMONENSIS Faciebat Anno 1670 "Do you know anything about them old violins?" Aaron asked anxiously. Abe smiled in a superior way.

Away in one of the wards a gramophone is playing "Mother Machree," and the little nurse, who hums the tune to herself as she leans over each man to see his label, sees a tear crawling through the grey stubble on one's cheek. He is old and Irish, and had not hoped to hear Irish tunes and to see fair women again. But he is ashamed of his emotion, and he tells a little lie.

Very little care had been taken to label these collections accurately or to collect any specimens but those which were strikingly beautiful or commercially valuable. It was therefore with the hope of giving a more precise and comprehensive character to our knowledge of Tusayan antiquities that I wished to excavate one of the ruins of this province which was undoubtedly prehistoric.

A rude cut which gained wide circulation represented a stout, ruddy, well-dressed man on a sleek horse, with a label, "I am going to Ohio," meeting a pale and ghastly skeleton of a man, in rags, on the wreck of what had once been a horse, with the label, "I have been to Ohio." The streams of migration flowed from many sources. New England contributed heavily.