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It would be better if the address could be painted on with a brush. If you should send perishable stuff, like meat, flowers, glass, or fruit, be sure to label the package "perishable" or "Handle with care, glass." On long distance transportation prepayment is required; on short distances it is optional. It is always better to get from the express agent a receipt for the matter taken in charge.

At the time of the formation one most significant fact was that every shareholder insisted that his name must not be registered, for fear some one might find out that he owned cash. They were even opposed to a label on the building to signify that it was a store. However, I chalked all over its face "Red Bay Coöperative Store."

Lund felt for the cord, passed his fingers over the suspended bottle and stepped off five paces, hefting the automatic to judge its balance. "Ruther have my own gun," he muttered. "All right, tetch her up, Rainey." Rainey tapped the bottle on the neck and it gave out a little tinkle, lost immediately in the crash of splintering glass as the bottle, hit fairly in the torn label, broke in half.

Physicians' prescriptions carefully prepared," and all the rest of it. Shows it to his wife she reads the label; it goes down to the servants THEY read the label. Next day, boy calls: "Very sorry his mistake immense business great many parcels to deliver Mr. Sawyer's compliments late Nockemorf." The name gets known, and that's the thing, my boy, in the medical way.

He smacked his heavy, appreciative lips, and fondly contemplated the label on the bottle. But he was not really reading it. "Your trade in the dope's growing," he said, his fat fingers fondling the glass bottle neck as though he were loth to release it. "Nearly fifty thousand dollars. That's your credit for a year's trade. It's the biggest in fourteen years.

He looked from it to the bottle, and back, then again to the bottle. He started, and the sweat stood out on his forehead. For though the doctor had told him in words the proper dose, he had by mistake written on the label the same dose as for the mother! Here was the responsibility shifted in any case.

"I like learning from the label pretty well," said Hannibal loyally. "But you'll like the books better, dear, when you see them. I know just where they are, for I happened on them on a shelf in the library only the other day."

and contemplation of the order of nature, including human nature, which is subject to fixed, invariable laws. He rejects free-will and the “superstitionas he calls it, of final causes in nature. If we want to label his philosophy, we may say that it is a form of pantheism. It has often been described as atheism.

Suppose, now, the enterprising apothecaries, who do for Mr Rowland what Reprint & Co. are doing for Mr Blackwood, should print a label for every bottle of their "incomparable oil," warning the public that spurious imitations of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine are now in circulation throughout the States, which they are compelled to stamp as FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS! Would not this be quite as IMPORTANT INFORMATION as the other?

Some of these are cyclothymic, over-emotional, often monothymic but I am discussing them from the standpoint of their satisfaction with life and its experiences. The ordinary label of "finicky" well expresses the type, but of course it neglects the basic psychology. This I have discussed elsewhere in this book and will here describe two cases, one a congenital type and the other acquired.