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The nature of some of the friendships formed at home through officials may be surmised from an order she gave for a silver gift, value L5, to be sent to the first-born child of one of her "chums." It went to the mother, and the inscription was "From one whom his father has helped." Very notable was the kindness shown by the Government to her as woman and missionary.

Home for all night and set things in order and so to bed. 27th. This morning came Mr. And so there remains not the practice now to do me good, and it is not for me to continue with him at; L5 per month. So I settled to put all his rules in fair order in a book, which was my work all the morning till dinner.

Hazeldean, in sending you L5, reminded you that his estates were not entailed, were at his own disposal, and they should never go to an extravagant spendthrift. It was not a pleasant threat that, Frank." "Oh!" cried the young man, colouring deeply. "It was not the threat that pained me; it was that my father could think so meanly of me as to fancy that -Well, well, but those were schoolboy days.

You'll be back in town before that. We must allow him L5 for the accommodation. I suppose you can pay the money in at my banker's by that day?

However I do well believe that I am effectually L5,000, the greatest sum I ever was in my life yet, and this day I have as I have said before agreed with Sir W. Warren and got of him L300 gift. At night a while to the office and then home and supped and to my accounts again till I was ready to sleepe, there being no pleasure to handle them, if they are not kept in good order. So to bed. 4th.

I obtained from Villiers L5,000 to enable Romana to support the levies he is raising.

Clerke, to make an agreement for the time to come; and I, for the having room enough, and to keepe out strangers, and to have a place to retreat to for my wife, if the sicknesse should come to Woolwich, am contented to pay dear; so for three rooms and a dining-room, and for linen and bread and beer and butter, at nights and mornings, I am to give her L5 10s. per month, and I wrote and we signed to an agreement.

His income had averaged L9,000 a year; his successor was to be rigidly limited to L5,000. He had but one child on whom to spend his money; Dr. Proudie had seven or eight. He had been a man of few personal expenses, and they had been confined to the tastes of a moderate gentleman; but Dr. Proudie had to maintain a position in fashionable society, and had that to do with comparatively small means.

Charley had not been so resolute with the usurer, so determined to get L5 from him on this special day, without a special object in view.

"Dear Sirs, Will you kindly advise me as to the current value of the following shares namely: "Fifty L5 5 per cent. New South American Rubber Syndicate; "Fifty L10 10 per cent. B Preference Addison Railway, Nicaragua; "One hundred L1 4 per cent. Welbeck Mutual Assurance Society. "Would you recommend the holder to sell out at present prices?