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For the order carried with it, for the representative of the firm, Herr Forster, the permanent right of access to all naval arsenals of Italy. L'Invasione tedesca in Italia, p. 171.

To contend with any hope of success against men of this stamp, one should be imbued with qualities resembling their own. And of such a commercial equipment the business community of Great Britain have as yet shown no tokens. L'Invasione tedesca in Italia, p. 149. Op. cit., p. 150.

And these objects they achieved to their satisfaction. L'Invasione tedesca, p. 147. Thus, in order to strangle concerns that compete with them successfully, the average German merchant sticks at nothing. His maxim is, that in trade as in all forms of the struggle for existence, necessity knows no law. And he is himself the judge of necessity.

L'Invasione tedesca in Italia. Ezio M. Gray. Firenze. Of all German financial institutions the most influential and prosperous is the Deutsche Bank. It has been aptly termed an empire within the empire. Its capital, 250 million francs, exceeds that of the Reichsbank by thirty millions.

I understood that Germans were financing it." They were, and it was precisely for that reason, and because it was on the way to prosperity as a rival to some German firm, that it was suffocated. Cf. L'Invasione tedesca in Italia, pp. 118, 119. This ingenious system proved exceptionally effective in Brazil. It has been said that that republic is become a dependency of Germany.