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At the representation of AEdipus, the following expression of Philactetes was received with transport: "J'ai fait des Souverains, et n'ai pas voulu l'etre." The First Consul, on leaving the theatre, did not conceal his satisfaction. He judged, from the applause with which that verse had been received, that his pamphlet was forgotten.

"Vive l'etre Supreme!" My last letter was a record of the most odious barbarities to-day I am describing a festival. At one period I have to remark the destruction of the saints at another the adoration of Marat.

I was in the theatre, but not in the First Consul's box, and I observed, as all present must have done, the eagerness with which the audience applied to Napoleon and the King of Etruria the line in which Philoctetes says "J'ai fait des souverains et n'ai pas voulu l'etre." The application was so marked that it could not fail to become the subject of conversation between the First Consul and me.

If you have made his acquaintance, my dear Pelham, I advise you most soberly to look to yourself, for if he doth not steal, beg, or borrow of you, Mr. Howard de Howard will grow fat, and even Mr. Aberton cease to be a fool. And now, most noble Pelham, farewell. Il est plus aise d'etre sage pour les autres que de l'etre pour soi-meme."

Mais quelle belle passe d'argumentation, quels beaux echanges de sentiments, quelles fortes confidences patriotiques nous avions fournies! J'ai compris ce soir la que Jenkin ne detestait pas la France, et je lui serrai fort les mains en l'embrassant. Nous nous quittions aussi amis qu'on puisse l'etre; et notre affection s'etait par lui etendue et comprise dans un TU francais.

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought: And enterprises of great weight and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action " My version of it runs thus: "Demeure, il faut choisir et passer a l'instant De la vie, a la mort, ou de l'etre au neant.

M. F. PERRON, "Essai d'une Nouvelle Theorie sur les Idées Fondamentales," 1843. "Ici, a prendre les mots dans le sens ordinaire, il semble qu'il soit demontré qui la Creation est impossible, principe justement cher au Pantheisme; tandis qu'au fond, tout ce qui est demontré, c'est que l'Etre en soi est necessairement incréé, verité incontestable, dont le Pantheisme n'a rien a tirer."

"Vive l'etre Supreme!" My last letter was a record of the most odious barbarities to-day I am describing a festival. At one period I have to remark the destruction of the saints at another the adoration of Marat.

Bonaparte tried upon this royal lamb the experiment of making a king wait in his antechamber: he allowed himself to be applauded at the theatre, upon the recitation of this verse: "J'ai fait des rois, madame, et n'ai pas voulu l'etre:"

At the representation of AEdipus, the following expression of Philactetes was received with transport: "J'ai fait des Souverains, et n'ai pas voulu l'etre." The First Consul, on leaving the theatre, did not conceal his satisfaction. He judged, from the applause with which that verse had been received, that his pamphlet was forgotten.