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Or if mamma ever felt puzzled, there was papa to go to, papa, who could not possibly make a mistake. Between them they would see that their eldest daughter was treated fairly. Monday morning came. Kyzie's courage had revived. Eddo would be kept at home; Lucy and Bab had been informed that they were not to cut paper dolls, though they might write on their slates.

"A vacation school, Katharine? And pray what may that be?" Kyzie's cheeks were flushed, her eyes shining. She held her mother's hand and talked fast, though plainly she did not feel quite at her ease. "Why, mamma, you've certainly heard of vacation schools summer schools? They're very common nowadays. In the summer, you know; so that college people can go to them, and business people." "Ah!

Still Kyzie's face wore a stern look that morning. It was a thing not to be spoken of, but she had resolved to "keep an eye" on two or three of the boys, and see if there was anything peculiar in their appearance. Should one of them blush or turn pale when spoken to, it would be a sure sign of guilt, and she should go home and announce with triumph to her father: "Papa, I've found out the thief!"

It was to be noticed that Barbara's "topknots" had disappeared; and I am glad to say that she never wore her lovely hair "pompy-doo" again. Kyzie's face was alight. In passing the door of her mother's room she had heard her father say, laughing: "What, our Katharine? Why, how that would amuse Mr. Templeton!" Kyzie had hurried away for fear of listening; but now she kept thinking: "Papa laughed.