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Through the chasm the moon poured its liquid rays. At certain points towering crags shut off the light then Ootah and his companion had to feel their way slowly upward in the dark. Finally Ootah's dogs, with a loud chorus of barking, leaped ahead. Seizing an overhanging ledge of rock Ootah lifted himself to the top of the precipice. Koolotah's team followed.

In the distance a black speck in the moonlight marked the departing hunters. "Yea, he hath called upon the spirit of the mountains to destroy Ootah." A low groan followed this. "Methinks he hath prophesied too many deaths," said Arnaluk. "He hath declared that Koolotah's mother will die."

Koolotah's mother was dying; a desperate desire to save her stirred in his heart as he lifted his whip in the signal to start. The tribe cheered. "Huk! Huk!" he shouted, and his lean dogs followed Ootah's team. "Au-oo-au-oo!" called the natives. "Auoo-auoo!" the voices of Ootah and Koolotah returned. Over the snow-covered stretch of level shoreland the moon poured a flood of silver incandescence.

Her inexplicable moods, her brief moments of tenderness, her riotous griefs, and other prefigurements of maternity these made her dearer to Ootah. So he vigorously cracked his whip and urged the dogs. The chasms twisted with lifelike motion all around him. Behind, as in a dream, Ootah heard the whip of Koolotah, and the barking of Koolotah's dogs.

"But I bethought me of Annadoah " he smiled "and I said I go to Annadoah . . . That is how I came . . . I said Annadoah is hungry yea, as I said it when the eyes looked at me on the mountains, when the hill spirits made my heart grow cold, when Koolotah desired to return . . . Koolotah he hath gone . . . Koolotah's dogs are gone . . . But I called upon my dead father, my dead grandfather, and the older ones and I thought of Annadoah."