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Syracuse is in Sicily,” Kolya jerked out suddenly in explanation. The doctor looked at him. “Sicily! your Excellency,” faltered the captain, “but you’ve seen”—he spread out his hands, indicating his surroundings—“mamma and my family?”

And each understands... every person... each one so infected understands, that if he eats, drinks, kisses, simply even breathes he can't be sure that he won't immediately infect some one of those around him, the very nearest sister, wife, son... To all syphilitics the children are born monsters, abortions, goitrous, consumptives, idiots. There, Kolya, is what this disease means.

He knows everything, father, he knows more than any of us!” put in Ilusha; “he only pretends to be like that, but really he is top in every subject....” Ilusha looked at Kolya with infinite happiness. “Oh, that’s all nonsense about Troy, a trivial matter. I consider this an unimportant question,” said Kolya with haughty humility.

And, also, the long-legged, aged Roly-Poly wandered over the room, sitting down now next one girl, now another, and entertaining them all with his fluent chatter. When Kolya Gladishev walked into the front hall, the first to recognize him was the round-eyed Verka, dressed in her usual jockey costume.

Then he fell helpless on the snow as though he had been knocked down, and struggling, sobbing, and wailing, he began crying out, “Ilusha, old man, dear old man!” Alyosha and Kolya tried to make him get up, soothing and persuading him. “Captain, give over, a brave man must show fortitude,” muttered Kolya.

Is that your idea?” Kolya looked at him intently. “Oh, you know, that’s rather an interesting view. When I go home, I’ll think it over. I’ll admit I thought I might learn something from you. I’ve come to learn of you, Karamazov,” Kolya concluded, in a voice full of spontaneous feeling. “And I of you,” said Alyosha, smiling and pressing his hand. Kolya was much pleased with Alyosha.

Is it hot?” Kolya inquired hurriedly, with a business-like air, taking the meat. “Dogs don’t like hot things. No, it’s all right. Look, everybody, look, Ilusha, look, old man; why aren’t you looking? He does not look at him, now I’ve brought him.” The new trick consisted in making the dog stand motionless with his nose out and putting a tempting morsel of meat just on his nose.

So much the better for you. Well, it’s time I was going. Good-by!” “You are at your saucy pranks again?” cried the man. “You are at your saucy pranks again? I know, you are at it again!” “It’s not your business, brother, if I am at my saucy pranks again,” said Kolya, standing still and scanning him. “Not my business?” “No; it’s not your business.” “Whose then? Whose then? Whose then?”

I heard about the goose!” Ilusha laughed, beaming all over. “They told me, but I didn’t understand. Did they really take you to the court?” “The most stupid, trivial affair, they made a mountain of a molehill as they always do,” Kolya began carelessly. “I was walking through the market-place here one day, just when they’d driven in the geese. I stopped and looked at them.

Well, don’t then. What does it matter to me? It’s cold out; stay at home.” “Kids,” Kolya turned to the children, “this woman will stay with you till I come back or till your mother comes, for she ought to have been back long ago. She will give you some lunch, too. You’ll give them something, Agafya, won’t you?” “That I can do.” “Good-by, chickens, I go with my heart at rest.