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A rap at that time of night and in that weather might have surprised an ordinary mortal who had dwelt two years in the gulch without seeing a human face, and could not fail to know that the country was impassable; but Mr. Beeson did not so much as pull his eyes out of the coals.

"I can't help it," was the cross reply; "I didn't know it was in my pocket." "It seems to me you owe an apology to the boys you accused of a theft which they have not committed," said the gentleman opposite. "I shan't apologize to anybody," said the lady, whose temper was not of the best; "least of all to such whipper-snappers as they are."

All this we know is coming, but we long to see it now, and breathe forth our desires with the Hebrew prophet, "O that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou wouldst come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence."

For, after all, what do we know of this terrible "matter," except as a name for the unknown and hypothetical cause of states of our own consciousness?

'Was the young lady who first inquired for my family the same one who said, "Let's have him by all means?" 'O no; but it was on account of her asking that the rest said they would like you to play at least that's as I had it from Joyce. 'Do you know that lady's name? 'Mrs. Petherwin. 'Ah! 'Cold, sir? 'O no.

'We are the men who know all about Moses and the traditions of the elders; we judge this new phenomenon not by the question, How does it come to our consciences, and how does it appeal to our hearts? but we judge it by the question, How does it fit our Rabbinical learning and subtle casuistical laws?

You will let me keep the locket, I am sure!" "If it were not you, Lucy Hardinge, whom I know to be truth itself, I might be disposed to doubt you, so many strange things exist, and so much caprice, especially in attachments, is manifested here, ashore!" "You need doubt nothing I tell you, Miles on no account would I deceive you."

"I believe you, Geoffrey," she said, "because I know that you have not invented this to shield me, for I have felt it also. See by it what you are to me. You are my master and my all. I cannot withstand you if I would. I have little will apart from yours if you choose to gainsay mine. And now promise me this upon your word. Leave me uninfluenced; do not draw me to you to be your ruin.

Or do you think that's a kind of fiddlin' ambition for a fellow? I was brought up on a farm. And then monkeyin' round with silks! I don't know. What do you think? Myrtle Cass says you're awfully educated." "I am. Awfully. Tell me: Have the boys made fun of your ambition?" She was seventy years old, and sexless, and more advisory than Vida Sherwin. "Well, they have, at that.

The visitor flung her silver purse upon the bed, her gloves upon the table, her white parasol upon the bureau, and sank into the chair. "Oh I'm dead," she groaned. "I've passed ten thousand cups of tea, and twenty thousand sandwiches. Don't you pity and despise people that don't know any better than to come to a thing indoors on a hot day?" Helen smiled. "But you came," she said. "But I had to.