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If you're ever calc'latin' to sell 'em, now's your time; the sprangly one's goin' back a'ready. They take the goodness all out o' that part o' your field, anyway," said Ferris, casting a sly glance as he spoke. "I don't know's I care; I can maintain them two trees," answered Packer, with spirit; but he turned and looked away, not at the contractor. "Come, I mean business.

"I don't know's I'd ought to say anything about it," he said. "I haven't afore. I wouldn't interfere with Nate's sales for anything." "Sales? Sales of what? Oh, you mean thing! Don't be so provoking! Tell me the whole story this minute." Jed painted a moment or two. Then he said: "We-ell, Maud, you see those kittens got to be kind of a nuisance.

"Why, I'd be glad to, of course," he declared with dubious enthusiasm. "But I don't know's I'll have time. Perhaps I'd better come later and do it. Laviny, she " "Oh, Laviny can spare you for a few minutes, I guess; 'specially as she don't know you're out. Better take your coat off, hadn't you? Grace, fetch one of those chairs for Ky for 'Bishy to stand in." Grace obediently brought the chair.

But when folks thinks you're a witch, it ain't in human natur' not to fool 'em. I am a witch, ain't I, dear? Now, ain't I?" Rosa's color had faltered back, but she still stood visibly in awe of her old neighbor. "Well," she owned, "Elvin Drew says you can see in the dark, but I don't know's he means anything by it." Again Dilly broke into laughter, rocking back and forth, in happy abandonment.

I am as poor as you poorer, perhaps, for I have no trade to fall back upon. But I have a good wife like you, and I don't doubt she'll think of something." "Trust to that, sir! A good woman like I'm sure she is 'll be sure to think of many a thing before she'll give in. My husband, he was brought up to religion, and he always says there's one as know's and don't forget."

Early in April, when Mary announced that she was ready to put into operation her biggest and most ambitious plan, suggested the year before by Barbara Howe the tea-room and gift-shop plan the Captain did not offer strenuous opposition. "I can't see much sense in it," he admitted. "I don't know's I know what it's all about.

And the sudden thought that we were all in the living room but Dudley, and that he would never come back to it, gripped my soul between fury and anguish. "Get it out about Dudley," I said; and I did not care if my voice were thick. Macartney looked over at me just as an honest, capable superintendent ought to have looked. "I can't; because I don't know it. All I do know's this.

"I don't know's it's particularly important to you," he answered. "That's what I came down for to see. I was directed back a day or two I was told that maybe if I looked you up you'd have some opening for me, down here. I was told you were looking for a a good heavyweight fighter!" Bobby Ogden threw back his head to laugh. And instead he just sat there with his mouth wide open, waiting.

Well, in that way, you see, he reminds me of General Rolleson in the book." "Look here, Mrs. Ellis. Tell me about this business of Dad's marrying my mother. I never knew much of anything about it." "You didn't? Did your pa never tell you?" "No." "Humph! That's funny. Still, I don't know's as 'twas, after all, considerin' you was only a boy. Probably he'd have told you some day.

He returned to the ford from every other conversational excursion, and after every silence. I do' know's there 's any great danger; not if you know the ford. Folks is carried away there. The Toe gits up sudden. There's been right smart rain lately. If you're afraid, you can git set over in a dugout, and I'll take your horses across. Mebbe you're used to fording?