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'There's a green piece of sealing-wax, almost drawled the quiet voice, 'in the top right drawer of the nest in the study, which old James gave me the Christmas before last. He glanced with lowered eyelids at his wife's flushed cheek. Their eyes met. 'Thank you, she said. When she returned the vicar was sitting in a chair, leaning his chin on the knobbed handle of his umbrella.

The leaves are chewed thoroughly and built up into the sponge gardens, being used neither for thatch nor for food, but as fertilizer. And not for any strange subterranean berry or kernel or fruit, but for a fungus or mushroom. The spores sprout and proliferate rapidly, the gray mycelia covering the garden, and at the end of each thread is a little knobbed body filled with liquid.

His weapons consisted of a stone ax and knife and a heavy knobbed bludgeon of wood. His skin was very white. "Who are you?" asked Ghak. "And whence come you?" "I am Kolk, son of Goork, who is chief of the Thurians," replied the stranger. "From Thuria I have come in search of the land of Amoz, where dwells Dacor, the Strong One, who stole my sister, Canda, the Grace-ful One, to be his mate.

The rod moved, the tip rather than the knobbed head being pointed at the body. Ross's head snapped back. That bolt of light, energy, fire whatever it was issuing from the rod had dazzled him into momentary blindness. And a vibration of force through the air was like a blow.

A genial face glowing from the frosty air, a voice of peculiar mellowness, which always added a musical charm of its own both to singing and conversation; a chimney-pot hat not of the newest, his black clerical coat uncovered by greatcoat or cloak, a strong knobbed walking-stick in the right hand, while the finger and thumb of the left hand were generally tightly closed on a pinch of snuff, well-shined creaking shoes, completed the costume of the visitor, who was no other than Mr.

Soon round a bend of the moon-lighted road a figure appeared moving forward rapidly and keeping in what shadow there was. I watched it through the thick hedge as it approached and resolved itself into a seedy-looking man carrying a thick knobbed stick.

Every time its squat domes disappeared from my view, I had a despondent feeling; whenever they reappeared, I felt an honest rapture I have not known any happier hours than those I daily spent in front of Florian's, looking across the Great Square at it. Propped on its long row of low thick-legged columns, its back knobbed with domes, it seemed like a vast warty bug taking a meditative walk. St.

With his tough, brownish skin, knobbed like the toad's back, his large staring eyes, his parrot's beak, and ugly bag of a body, the Octopus is a horrid-looking creature. Add to this eight long arms twisting and writhing like snakes, and you have an idea of the most hideous inhabitant of the deep. Then, like the ogre, the Octopus lives in a cave, and goes forth at night to claim his victims.

The musician strikes these pieces of wood with knobbed sticks covered with skin, which produces a most detestable jargon of confused noise. Jugglers and buffoons are very common, and are the constant attendants of the courts of Negro kings and princes, upon whom they lavish the most extravagant eulogiums, and abject flattery.

Their dress was a girdle of strips of catskins, and they each carried two javelins and a knobbed stick for throwing. They were heartily welcomed by our travelers, who placed before them a large quantity of eland-steaks, and filled their boxes with snuff.