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You have often to throw your scruples overboard when you pay big dividends." Allott chuckled. "The combine does not pay big dividends. It's a grievance of the shareholders'." "Oh, well; Sir James was knighted, and I hear about another director building a hospital. One doesn't get honors for nothing. They're expensive."

He served under Edward III., and was knighted, distinguished himself at the battle of Poictiers, where he gained the esteem of the Black Prince, and finished his military career in the pay of the Florentines, in 1394, at his native place, Hedingham, in Essex. There is a monument to his memory in the parish church.

"You knighted us," he said, "and we fight your cause," not knowing that kingship, however great or humble, is but the lowly knights made one in him who by God's grace can speak the word. "I have no doubt it's true, what you say; but it is different. I expected it would be; but we used to speak of nature more than the soul, and of nature's being a guide. Poor Robin, I remember, began with that."

Essex and Nassau and all the rest then entered the city. There was little fighting. Twenty-five English and Hollanders were killed, and about as many Spaniards. Essex knighted about fifty gentlemen, Englishmen and Hollanders, in the square of Cadiz for their gallantry. Among the number were Lewis Gunther of Nassau, Admiral Warmond, and Peter Regesmortes.

The colonist who raised the militia and saved Canada, as you have justly remarked elsewhere, was knighted, while he who did no more than his duty as an officer in the army, was compensated for two or three little affairs in which the soldiers were engaged by a coronet and a pension."

The next day Sir Perriton Powers for the King had knighted him after breakfast stood again in the conservatory of the house in Carlton Terrace. "I have come for my reward," he said. "Do I get it?" "You do," said Angela. Sir Perriton clasped her in his arms. "On my way home," he said, "I was attacked by a lion. I tried to beat it " "Hush, dearest," she whispered, "let me take you to father."

Moreover, Agolante thoroughly recovered all that was there due to him and his brethren and returned to Florence, rich beyond measure, having first been knighted by Count Alessandro. The latter lived long and gloriously with his lady, and according as some avouch, what with his wit and valour and the aid of his father-in-law, he after conquered Scotland and was crowned King thereof."

"Sir," said Griflet, "I beseech thee make me a knight;" and Merlin also advising the king to grant his request, "Well," said Arthur, "be it then so," and knighted him forthwith. Then said he to him, "Since I have granted thee this favour, thou must in turn grant me a gift." "Whatsoever thou wilt, my lord," replied Sir Griflet.

At the Exchange she alighted to receive another address, to which she read an answer, and knighted the Mayor.

Henry, afterwards knighted, was probably the jealous brother who lived at Chicksands with Dorothy and her father, with whom she had many skirmishes, and who wished in his kind fraternal way to see his sister well that is to say, wealthily married. Robert is a younger brother, a year older than Dorothy, who died in September 1653, and who did not apparently live at Chicksands.