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The Allies had better be cautious how they proceed in the diagnosis and dismemberment of this great people or they may find themselves on the operating table with this giant holding the knife. In spite of the Biblical legend I prefer England to be a pal with Goliath!

"If yer open yer head when we're bein' took up, I'll brain yer, hear that?" he said. "Gimme that light, gimme yer knife." He flashed on the light, tore the scout knife from Pee-wee's belt, and flung the frightened boy against the side of the car. Keeping the light pointed at him, he opened the knife.

Sadly I pondered awhile, Then I lifted my soul with a smile, And I said, "Not cheerful men, but anxious children are we, Still hurting ourselves with the knife, As we toil at the letters of life, Just marring a little the rind, never piercing the heart of the tree."

It was half an hour before he went on again with his garments ensanguined as the result of Alton's treatment with the knife, and he gasped with relief when after a march of four miles, which occupied most of what was left of the day, they came out into the more open spaces of a big brulee.

One of the men, by some signs, was persuaded to come to the boat's side, where I was; to him I gave a knife, a string of beads, and a glass bottle. The fellow called out, "Cocos, cocos," pointing to a village hard by, and signified to us that he would go for some; but he never returned to us: and thus they had frequently of late served our men.

"All the same," said Silas, "you are not really alive there. It's the life of a cabbage, must be, there's only you and Maria and Pinckney. Maria is a decent old sort but she's only a woman, and as for Pinckney he doesn't care for you." This statement suddenly brought Phyl to herself. It went through her like a knife. She had ceased to think of Richard Pinckney in any way but as a friend.

I have heard of many going astray even in the village streets, when the darkness was so thick that you could cut it with a knife, as the saying is.

The chief provided the required implement, conducted his visitor a little before sunset to the spot, just outside the village, and left him there armed with his rifle, a revolver, and a long knife or kriss, besides the spade.

It was nothing but the handle of an ugly knife, which Abel instantly relieved him of. The party now took up the line of march for old Doctor Kittredge's house, Abel carrying the pistol and knife, and Mr. Bernard walking in silence, still half-stunned, holding the hay-fork, which Abel had thrust into his hand. It was all a dream to him as yet.

But turn that sentence around, and smile in your heart as you remember this, as you do push quietly on past the cutting knife, and say never a word about the knife or the sharp pain the best folks never talk about their sacrifices, they are too intent on the Man just ahead, as a man so does, there come into his life a fire and a fragrance that burns and breathes out wherever he goes.