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Nyland ran forward, peered into the man's face, saw that no more shooting on his part would be required, and then ran into the house to search for Peggy. She was not in the house a glance into each room told Nyland that. He went outside again, his face grim, and knelt beside the man. The latter's wound was fatal Nyland saw that plainly, for the bullet had entered his breast just above the heart.

The next day, while the populace, collecting from the whole neighbourhood, had assembled before the parish church of Artigues in order to behold the penance of the criminal, who, barefoot, attired in a shirt, and holding a lighted torch in his hand, knelt at the entrance of the church, another scene, no less painful, took place in the house of Martin Guerre.

Two more knelt, and laced his long boots, for he was, as always, going a-hunting. Then Hereward looked at the face of the great man, and felt at once that it was the face of the greatest man whom he had ever met. "I am not that man's match," said he to himself. "Perhaps it will all end in being his man, and he my master." "Silence, knaves!" said William, "and speak one of you at a time.

She knelt there repentant, weeping, wringing her hands, asking nothing but pardon a word, a single word of pity and the permission to bury herself forever from the world. "So," he said, abruptly, "the convent cell, the prison, does not terrify you?" "Nothing terrifies me except your contempt." "You would live far from Paris, far from the world, far from everything?"

Poor Daisy was overcome by remorse as she knelt over the recumbent Don. 'Oh, darling Don, she said, 'I didn't mean it you know I didn't, don't you? You must get well and forgive me! I tell you what, aunt, she said as she rose to her feet, 'you know you said I might drive you over in the pony cart to that tennis-party at the Netherbys to-morrow. Well, young Mr.

To my astonishment he knelt down beside me, he placed his hands together, he lifted his face skyward. My master prayed! "'Lord of the great world, he said, 'come to my aid or I am lost. In Thy great mercy, save me! Hear where no man may hear, hear Thou my cry; Thou Lord of heavenly mercy, lend me thine aid! "He paused, and over his face I seemed to see the dawning of a deep peace.

When she spoke again it was to herself: "Sometimes of nights I hear it calling me. Last night, while I knelt by my window, it called so loud that I put my hands over my ears; but I could not keep out the sound, the sound of the river that comes from the mountains, that goes to the sea. And then I saw that there was a light in Fair View house."

The equality of all classes in church is a noticeable thing always in Italy, but on this Christmas Eve it was unusually evident. The rags of the beggar brushed the silks of luxury, as the wearers knelt side by side on the marble floor; and on the night when God was born to poverty on earth, the rich seemed to feel that they drew nearer Him in the neighborhood of the poor.

I can see the little bare meeting-house, with the godly deacons, and the grave matrons, and the comely maidens, and the sober manhood of the village, with the small group of college students sitting by themselves under the shadow of the awful Presidential Presence, all listening to that preaching, which was, as Cotton Mather says, "as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice"; and as the holy pastor utters those blessed words, which are not of any one church or age, but of all time, the humble place of worship is filled with their perfume, as the house where Mary knelt was filled with the odor of the precious ointment.

There is a gentleman in the parlor to see her; here is the card." Beulah still knelt on the floor and held out her hand indifferently. The card was given, and she sprang up with a cry of joy. "Oh, it is Eugene!" At the door of the parlor she paused and pressed her hand tightly to her bounding heart.