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Don't you think that God Almighty is going to put none of them there counter jumpers into Honham Castle, where gentlefolk hev lived all these ginerations, because He ain't. There, and that's the truth, because I knaw it and so help me God and if I'm wrong it's a master one."

You talk o' the ways o' God to men an' knaw no more 'bout 'em than the feesh what you draw from the sea! You'm choustin' yourself cruel wi' your self-righteousness take it from me. You'm saved, be you? You be gwaine to heaven, are 'e? Who tawld 'e so, Michael Tregenza? Did God A'mighty send a flyin' angel to tell 'e a purpose? Look in your heart, man, an' see how much o' Christ be in it.

I wouldn't have 'e differ'nt not to them as loves 'e, any way." "I sha'n't change; an' if I did to all the world else, 'twouldn't be to you, mother. You knaw that, I reckon. I'm hopeful; I'm more; I'm 'bout as certain of fair fortune as a man can be. Venwell rights be mine, and theer's no better moorland grazing than round these paarts.

"Yet a cross means much to many, and always will while the land continues to call itself Christian." "I knaw, I knaw. 'Twill call itself Christian long arter your time an' mine; as to bein' Christian that's another story. Clem Hicks lightened such matters to me fule though he was in the ordering of his awn life. But s'pose you digs the post up, for argeyment's sake.

"Yo' shall," was the ready response; "as long as thaa and me lives this haase shall be oppen to the' if we get it." Ne'er moind, I knaw tha'll get it; gooid-noight!" His friend then returned into the house, and immediately the drawing began.

"Truly the fault be none of his. But thou doesna knaw Ste'aphen Solmes as I do. He'll be for sayun' if that g'woon had a been unlwoaded, Master Torrens had gone his way, and no harm done, nouther to him nor yet to Gwen. But who can say for certain that 'tis not God's will all along?" Mrs. Lamprey interrupted.

She had what was called a superior manner and was handsome, in the slender, high-nosed, florid fashion of the Dale. "But there," she went on. "I doan't groodge it. 'E's yoong and you caann't blaame him. They's coompany for him oop at Vicarage." "'E's coompany fer they, I rackon. And well yo' med saay yo' doan't groodge it ef yo knawed arl we knaw, Mrs. Blenkiron.

Sometimes hoo dunnot knaw wheer to get the bread for her own." "That's why I wouldn't take it," rejoined Cosmo. "If I had thought you were well off, I would not have hesitated." "Oh! aw'm noan so pinched at present," she answered with a smile. "Tak th' loaf, an' welcome, an' pey mo when yo' can."

John Fry leaned forward in the saddle, and turned his eyes away from me; and then there was a noise in his throat like a snail crawling on a window-pane. "Oh, us knaws that wull enough, Maister Jan; reckon every Oare-man knaw that, without go to skoo-ull, like you doth. Your moother have kept arl the apples up, and old Betty toorned the black puddens, and none dare set trap for a blagbird.

"Well, I'll tell un all you tells me to," said Mrs. Tucker with a somewhat hopeless expression; "but you knaw what Adam is, Joan, when he fixes his mind on anythin'; and I've had the works o' the warld to keep un from comin' already: he takes such fancies about 'ee all as you never did.