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Her ankles, scratched by casual thorns and already beginning to blush brown from the June sun's ardent kisses, were as delicate as any he had ever seen enmeshed in silken hose.

The instant she was alone she raised him from her knee. With both arms clasped round him, the miserable woman lifted his lifeless face to hers and rocked him on her bosom in an agony of tenderness beyond all relief in tears, in a passion of remorse beyond all expression in words. In silence she held him to her breast, in silence she devoured his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, with kisses.

The woman cheered up at this promise, and smothered me with kisses; from tears she passed to laughter, and fell to running her fingers through the long hair that hung down about my ears. "I will declare a truce with you," she said, "and withdraw my complaint.

"She sure did," Billy assured him, "an' I'll bet an iron case she's a-waitin' for you there with buds o' roses in her hair an' kisses on her mouth, you old son-of-a-gun, you." Billy laughed happily.

He heard himself laugh passionately at her puny effort to resist him and the next moment she was at his mercy. He was pressing fevered kisses upon her gasping, quivering lips. But she fought against him still. Though he kissed her, she would have none of it.

It was death, sudden death, he was lamenting. Only yesterday morning little Nan was clinging strongly to his neck, and covering his face with merry kisses; and every now and then he felt as if he was only dreaming, and he started down towards home, as though he could not believe that those tender arms were stiffened and that rosy mouth still in death.

She might even get three more kisses when no one was looking. "I don't know what to dance," she said presently, studying the rose in her confusion. "Oh, just anything," encouraged the man on the stool. "I'll whistle a tune." "Hand her the sausage, butcher;" sniggered Maudlin, "then she'll be sure of it. The feel of it'll make her dance better."

So there remains, for the puzzled husband's embracing, flesh which is fair and dear, no doubt, yet is flesh such as his; and talking and talking and talking; and kisses in all ways desirable. Love, of a sort, too remains, but hardly the love that was yesterday's." Now the unfinished design came out of the fireplace, and climbed up Miramon's leg, still faintly whimpering.

In an hour or two he was fit to go home, to find her on her bed, dissolved in tears, prepared at once to throw her arms round his neck. He asked pardon a hundred times, with words, kisses, and caresses. But with this scene his invention had fled. The spell was broken.

"Sammy," she whispered, "your father will be raging mad at your going, and harvest hands so scarce. I know he'll never let me go near you, never. But if there's ever any children, Sammy, you just come for your mother, and I'll go to you and her without his letting." Then with one of the all too few kisses that are ever given or received in a farmhouse life, she let him go.