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'Twas but natural all should praise to him his kinsman's wife, sure that he would feel pleasure when he heard her lauded. Women, especially such as are great ladies, have not at their command, if they hide pain in secret, even the refuges and poor comforts possessed by men.

True, this assistance was a costly matter; there was this person to be bought and that one; there were expenses here and expenses there, incurred by Sir Lewis on his kinsman's behalf; and there were odd presents, too, which Stukeley seemed to expect and which Sir Walter could not deny him.

"Her face is divine, and her form ravishes one with delight." "She is indeed fortunate to be such a goddess. If she is a lady-in-waiting to the Royal suite she will depart to-morrow!" and there was relief in the supposition. Constance continued: "I saw my kinsman's list of invitation, and among them all there was not one fitting thy description of this paragon, Adrian!"

The lighted torches now displayed the dead, Stiff on the ground his graceful limbs were spread; Sad sight to him who knew his guardian care, Now doom'd a kinsman's early loss to bear; Anguish and rage devour his breast by turns, He vows revenge, then o'er the warrior mourns: And thus exclaims to each afflicted Chief: "No time, to-night, my friends, for useless grief; The ravenous wolf has watched his helpless prey, Sprung o'er the fold, and borne its flower away; But if the heavens my lifted arm befriend, Upon the guilty shall my wrath descend Unsheathed, this sword shall dire revenge pursue, And Persian blood the thirsty land bedew."

I made bold to pay the reckoning, and when presently she spoke of it, with flaming cheeks, and would have pledged me a jewel, I bade her look upon it as a loan which anon she might repay me when I had brought her safely to her kinsman's Court at Pesaro.

Stewart spoke most entertainingly, but with more willingness to let it be known that he had a kinsman's interest in the matter than he would formerly have shown. He was getting old, in fact, and an almost childish pride in his equivocal ancestry was growing upon him. Still his talk and reminiscences were extremely interesting.

Kate nodded her head, and seemed to divine the thought in his mind, for she answered as if he had spoken it aloud. "We have all thought of that. I know it is sometimes in my father's mind as he looks at his kinsman's grim face; but our grand sire never suspected him for a moment nay, he vowed he was certain he had had no part nor lot in the matter.

The Count himself, who, amidst the bustle and activity of the life he had recently led, had overlooked or not discovered many of his kinsman's bad qualities, was now not slow in finding them out; and although the proposed marriage was of his own planning, he began almost to congratulate himself on his prudence in having made the promise of his daughter's hand contingent on her encouragement of her cousin's addresses.

And then in her touching way, and having hold of her daughter's hand, and speaking to her rather than my Lord Duke, Lady Castlewood told the story which you know already lauding up to the skies her kinsman's behavior. On his side Mr.

This appeal, however feebly made, was not without effect on the philosopher. "That is true," said the duke, dropping his kinsman's hand; "I see no motive." "Perhaps," said Harley, "Baron Levy may here enlighten us. Do you know of any motive of self-interest that could have actuated Mr. Leslie in assisting the count's schemes?" Levy hesitated. The count took up the word.