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It was at this time that, acting for the Grand Duke of Tuscany, he first claimed open kinship with the Medici of Florence. Heralds and genealogists produced a pedigree, which seemed to authorise this pretension; he was recognised, together with his brother, Pius IV., as an offshoot of the great house which had already given Dukes to Florence, Kings to France, and two Popes to the Christian world.

This was not because he had formed a compact with Antony and through him with Lepidus, little he cared for that fact, but because he saw they were powerful and knew their purposes were linked by the bands of kinship, and he could not use force with them; and besides he cherished hopes of bringing about through them the downfall of Cassius and Brutus, who were already very influential, and subsequently of wearing them out one against the other.

Soothly, as the sun surpasseth in radiance and brightness the dead of night, even so, and much more so, doth the happiness promised to those that love God excel in glory and magnificence all earthly kinship and glory; and there is utter need for a man to choose the more excellent before the more worthless.

The same is true of the words for nephew and niece the Malay term ANAK MANAKAN being used for both. The terms used to denote degrees of kinship are few, and are used in a very elastic manner.

He objected to the rather free style of anecdote in which Dr. Sprague indulged, preferring well-sanctioned quotations, and liking refinement of all kinds: it was generally known that he had some kinship to a bishop, and sometimes spent his holidays at "the palace." Dr.

The voices of the Navajos, scarcely audible, sounded "toa's" and "taa's" syllables he soon learned were characteristic and dominant in low, deep murmurs. It reminded Hare of something that before had been pleasant to his ear. Then it came to mind: a remembrance of Mescal's sweet voice, and that recalled the kinship between her and the Navajo chieftain.

A rare flash of intelligence and appreciation greeted her now from those fine eyes bent so scrutinizingly on her. "Tremendous facts!" he said. "Glorious possibilities! 'Himself hath said it. I claim kinship with you; I am an heir of the same inheritance." He held a hand to each, and they were cordially grasped. Then Dr. Everett proceeded to business.

The union of clubs in a federation is the natural outgrowth of the club idea. It is the recognition of the kinship of all women, of whatever creed, opinion, nationality or degree; and it is a sign of a bond that entitles every one to equal place; not to charity or toleration alone, but to consideration and respect. Inside of the club we are equal sharers of each other's gifts.

His Majesty was sensible of the wisdom of the resolution which she had made not to break with the Court, and to show herself at Saint Germain, or at Versailles, from time to time, as her rank, her near kinship, her birth demanded. He said to me one day: "My cousin is beginning to look up.

We have here the experiences of many souls, with a certain kinship, yet with wide differences. In many of these hymns one recognizes the religion in which Jesus was cradled. Imagination and feeling have full scope. The constant idea is of Yahveh, ruler of the world and its inhabitants, the judge of the wicked and friend of the good.