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'We came on the 20th of April, and this is the 3rd of June. What a difference it has made in you! 'And in you; Ventnor is a grand doctor. 'And Johnnie is really beginning to have a colour. How pleased his grandpapa will be to see him so much stronger and more spirited. I do not think Lord Martindale could have done anything kinder by us than sending us here. 'How does the purse hold out?

"I did think maybe I might get the supervisors to let me go out to the cemetery and set on the folks that are buried there, so's I could overhaul 'em and kinder revise the verdicts that've been rendered on 'em.

"It does me good kinder unkeys me," he said to Bud and Jack. He put his ear to the old horses' flank it pulsed strong and true. Then he laughed to himself. It vexed him, for it was half hysterical and he kept saying over to himself: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty " Some one touched his arm.

If he had struck her or shot her dead it would have been far kinder. But his conduct was worse than murder. He finally deserted her, and left her penniless to fight her own way through the world. Then he died suddenly, and she forgot all his faults, spoke of him as though he had been a model of goodness, and lives now for his memory, ever mourning his loss.

And settin' so, and worryin' a good deal, day in and day out, kinder broodin' over my troubles, and never thinkin' about anybody but myself, I got to be of the idee that I was the worst-off creature goin'. If I'd have stopped to think about Russell, may-be I should have had some sort of pity for him, for he was jest as lonesome as I, and I wasn't no kind of comfort to come home to, 'most always cryin', or jest a-goin' to.

Whitney, "you must be kinder to her than ever; think what it would be for one of you to be away from home even among friends." "I'd like it first rate to be away from Percy," said Van, reflectively; "I wouldn't come back in three, no, six weeks." "My son," said his mamma, "just stop and think how badly you would feel, if you really couldn't see Percy."

Every voice was hushed, and once more the throng waited for the farmer to explain. "I've been ahearin' a good lot about wot ye're all adoin' with this Boy Scout business. Kinder got me interested, an' I borried some books o' the dominie jest so I could understand wot 'twas all about. An' I want to say I like the ijee fust rate.

"What makes it more serious," he said, "is that all the prosperity of which Canada is thus robbed is transplanted to the other side of the line, as if to make Canadians feel more bitterly how much kinder England is to the children who desert her, than to those who remain faithful.

Hopewell, was uttered for the kind purpose of withdrawing his attention from those griefs which preyed so heavily upon his spirits. "Minister," said Mr. Slick, "come, cheer up, it makes me kinder dismal to hear you talk so. When Captain McKenzie hanged up them three free and enlightened citizens of ours on board of the Somers he gave 'em three cheers.

Miss Darnford told him pleasantly, She would not come, unless he would promise to let her be at his wedding; by which I find Mr. Peters has kept the secret, as my master desired. He was pleased to give me an airing after dinner in the chariot, and renewed his kind assurances to me, and, if possible, is kinder than ever.