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The kind-hearted, helpful, considerate man kept on surging upward, in the trust that his arrival would avert all trouble.

'Not knowing what else to do, we all three returned to Constantinople to ask the advice of Sumi, and found that she was already aware of our misfortunes, having read about them in the book of Moizes. The kind-hearted creature wept bitterly at our story, but, being poor herself, could give us little help.

"The best man possible for such a case as mine, kind-hearted, yet cool, sagacious; the finest observer, the quickest judge of character, nothing escapes him. Oh, one interview will suffice to show him all Helen's innocent and matchless excellence." "To-morrow! this man comes to-morrow!"

He had the general appearance of a brown Jupp, being of the same height and with just such a smiling good-humoured face, with the exception that his hair and beard, instead of being black, was of a lighter and ruddier hue. Oh, yes, Teddy thought, Captain Lennard was the man for him. He looked easy and kind-hearted and would not bully people, as he had read of some brutal captains doing.

She was certainly kind-hearted, amiable, bright, engaging. I think all those who have known her at Newport, or in her New York home, regard her as one of the most charming women in the world.

They are not to be received as in any sense final; they are not like the verifiable facts of science; they are more or less sagacious, more or less well founded opinions formed by a fair-minded, sharp-witted, kind-hearted, open-souled philosopher, whose presence made every one well-disposed towards him, and consequently left him well-disposed to all the world.

She opened her eyes again, and this time the tears flowed unheeded. Of what use is pride, unless it be observed by others? She missed some one, a frank, merry, kind-hearted some one; and it was balm to her heart to admit it at last. Had he appeared to her at that moment, she must have fallen gratefully into his arms. And there were so many things she could not understand.

I would gladly tell you the whole circumstance, added I, sobbing with grief; 'you are kind-hearted, and cannot fail to pity me.

"If Charles doesn't punish them, we won't rest till we have made an end of him and his whole stock!" "'Tis likely he is as guilty as the rest!" "And Coligny trusts him implicitly!" "The Admiral is too trustful and kind-hearted! Did you hear what he said to Des Pruneaux?

"I am afraid," said she, "that as long as we remain here, we keep poor John away from his family. If we go south, he will return home." David Angus, and the old lady, and our kind-hearted cousin, were most unwilling to part with us, but we had written to Aunt Bretta to say that we were coming, and we could not again change our plans.