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"But I guess I must oppose the little invited dance and supper, on principle. We all like to be consistent, as Annie says even if we're inconsistent in the attempt," she added, with a laugh. "Very well, then," exclaimed Mrs. Munger, "we'll drop them. As I said to Miss Kilburn on our way here, 'if Mrs. Wilmington is opposed to them, we'll drop them."

Wilmington now filled the place once held by Judge Kilburn and Squire Putney. The social life in private houses had undoubtedly shrunk; but it had expanded in the direction of church sociables, and it had become much more ecclesiastical in every way, without becoming more religious.

"While you finish your stints I'll tell you a little story about the Indians," said Miss Celia, lying back on her cushions, while the needles began to go again, for the prospect of a story could not be resisted. "A century or more ago, in a small settlement on the banks of the Connecticut, which means the Long River of Pines, there lived a little girl called Matty Kilburn.

I ruthah see you layin' there just's you be than plenty of folks that " She stopped for want of an apt comparison, and at sight of Annie she said, as if he were a child whose mind was wandering: "Well, I declare, if here ain't Miss Kilburn come to see you, Mr. Peck! And Mis' Bolton! Well, the land!" Mrs.

She met the mother, a few days after, in the street; with an impulse to cross over to the other side she advanced straight upon her. "Mrs. Savor! What can I say to you?" "Oh, I don't presume but what you meant for the best, Miss Kilburn. But I guess I shall know what to do next time. I kind of felt the whole while that it was a resk. But it's all right now."

At last, on the Thursday following the Friday on which the mummy had been sent to the laboratory, the professor received a telegram telling him to come at once to the doctor. Three minutes after he had read it he was in a hansom and on his way to Kilburn, wondering what it was that he was to be brought face to face with during the next half hour. This time there was no denial.

She put out her hand quite haughtily to him and asked, "Oh, must you go?" "Yes. How do you do, Mrs. Wilmington? You'd better get Miss Kilburn to give you a cup of her coffee." "Oh, I will," said Lyra. She forbore any reference, even by a look, to the intimate little situation she had disturbed. Morrell added to Annie: "I like your plan. It 'a the best thing you could do."

"Don't tell me," I recognized Carwitchet's growl. "You've not been here all this time for nothing. You've been collecting for a Kilburn cot or getting subscriptions for the distressed Irish landlords. I know you. Now I'm not going to see myself ruined for the want of a paltry hundred or so. I tell you the colt is a dead certainty.

I run awiy run awiy from my Elbert Oh, Gosh! I bin an' give up me bits o' sticks to a neighbour, an' got a place, an' went into service. I sneaked out one night, when Elbert 'ad gone 'ome. I got a place up Kilburn way, an ol' couple, retired from the pawnbrokin' line. The ol' man 'ad softening in 'is brain, an' said one thing all the blessed time, murmurin' like a bee.

South Hatboro', where we live you must see South Hatboro', Miss Kilburn! is quite a famous health resort. A great many Boston doctors send their patients to us now, instead of Colorado or the Adirondacks. In fact, that's what brought us to Hatboro'. My mother couldn't have lived, if she had tried to stay in Melrose. One lung all gone, and the other seriously affected.