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Beat it, kiddo being slow won't help you none with Rumley, and she's got the axe, remember." Thus adjured, Miss Rose beat it, arriving rather breathlessly at her chair, which was occupied by a rather sprightly looking woman with pretty hands and a square jaw and hair just beginning to gray over the temples.

Through his crimson mask he looked at the pile of bodies in the far end of the room, and a broad grin cracked the dried blood about his mouth. "Wot we done to dem Chinks was sure a plenty, kiddo," he remarked to Miss Harding, and then he came to his feet, seemingly as strong as ever, shaking himself like a great bull.

Loeb's risibilities that he dropped his hand over Miss Cleone St. Claire's, completely covering yet not touching it. "You're a scream, kiddo! Gee! I like you!" She drank with her chin flung up and her throat very white. "Bubbles! Bubbles! God bless all my troubles!" "Well, I'll be darned!" said Mr. Kahn, smiling at her. "The gemmemen from out of town?" "St. Louis."

"You're right, kiddo; you got more sand than ten of such put together." "I'm as good as her and better. I'm not so sure by a long shot that any of those baby faces would say no if they was ever invited to say yes. Watch out there, that cab, Blink. Gee! your nerves are as steady as gelatin." They were veering through the crowds and out into the soft flurry of the storm.

But you don't hear me throwing it up to you, do you? 'Ain't I got Checkers on you?" "You " "But I ain't blaming you. Come, Marj, let's swap our real names." "What?" "Sure, I ain't blaming you. Only be on the level, girl be on the level. If it's big fry you're after, and we don't measure up down here, say so." "You I think you're crazy, Blink." "I know life, kiddo.

"Poor old sleepy-head!" "For the love o' Mike, Kiddo me for the hay. Won't them mountains wait till morning?" "All right!" she answered cheerily. "I'll pull you out at sunrise. The sunrise from our window will be glorious." He rose and stretched his body like a young, well fed tiger. "I think it's prettier from the bed. But have it your own way have it your own way.

The old woman started and watched him from beneath her heavy eyebrows, answering with sullen emphasis: "Yes." Again Jim lifted his hands above his head and waved her to earth. "Well! Don't blame me! I can't help it, you know " He turned to his wife and spoke with jolly good humor. "It's the place, all right. Set down, Kiddo take off your hat and things. Make yourself at home."

"A little. It didn't matter." She answered mechanically. He fixed his eyes on her again. "Hungry, Kiddo?" "No," she gasped. "What's the use!" he cried in low, vibrant tones, springing to his feet. "I don't want to eat this stuff I just want to eat you!" Mary rose tremblingly and moved instinctively to meet him. He clasped her form in his arms and crushed with cruel strength.

"Baby-shoes tra-la-la!" "Oh, you changeable-silk kiddo! Turn green for the ladies." "Come on over here, Cora, and make Arch tell fortunes!" "Gertie, this is my girl friend, Stella, from the shoes, I brought. Y'know? I told you about her. Ed's bringing down a gentleman friend for her."

They were laughing merrily and seemed greatly elated that the boat had come; but Pee-wee was rather embarrassed and held back until Roy dragged him forward. "Kiddo," said he, looking straight into the boy's face, "the Good Turn couldn't have lived another day without you. So you did hit the railroad after all, didn't you?