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A frown gathered in a triple furrow on his brow. "Now, kiddo, you got to cut that with me, and cut it quick. If there's two things I can't stand it's nagging and pouting. Cloonan can tell you what pouting can drive me to. I'll beat it out of that girl of mine before she's through with me, and I won't stand it from no one else. Now cut it, Peachy, that's a nice girl."

"You bet he bane," McGuffey retorted. "Ain't he the old kiddo, Scraggsy? Ain't he? This feller Adelbert P. Gibney's a farmer, I guess." With the assistance of the wharfinger an automobile was summoned, and in due course the members of the syndicate found themselves ensconced in a fashionable suite in San Francisco's most fashionable hotel. Mr.

He led her to a secluded nook behind a pillar in the little parlor. The hotel was deserted. They had the building almost to themselves. A log fire crackled in the open fireplace, and he drew a settee close. The wind had moderated and the rain was pouring down in straight streams, rolling in soft music on the roof. He drew the ring from his pocket. "Well, Kiddo, I got it.

"I always keep it in good shape," said Tom. "I got extra " "All right. Go in and get some sleep; you haven't got long. The wire boys will take care of you." He strode away and began to talk hurriedly with another man who showed him some papers and Tom watched him as one in a trance. "Now you're in for it, kiddo," he heard some one say. "R. I. P. for yours," volunteered another.

"That's one dream we MUST live, Jim, dear. I've set my heart on it." "Sure we will sure," he answered quickly. "But not in that car." "Why?" Jim grinned. "Because I like you better you get me, Kiddo?" She pressed close and whispered: "I think so." "You see, that fool car might throw a tire or two. Believe me, it'll be a job to have her on my hands for a thousand miles.

Besides, you passed us the smokes." "Red, you shut up!" Overland turned a blue, astonished eye on Collie. "Why, kiddo, what's bitin' you?" "Because the lady give us the makings don't say she smokes, does it?" Overland grunted. "Because you're foolish with the heat, don't say I am, does it? Them sandwiches has gone to your head, Chico. Who said she did smoke?"

I take a long drink of ice water, and when his 'Is this you, kid? comes over the wire I chirrup back, real bright and gay, 'Right O, Kiddo! and when he says he don't believe he can live through the day, do I suggest that we die together? Not I! I tell him to forget it and go downstairs and have George mix him up a mug full of the hair of the dog that bit him. That shows the love of a good woman.

Gibney, and sighted again. This time his shrapnel burst neatly on the schooner. Almost simultaneously a shell from the schooner dropped into the sacked coal on the forecastle head of the Maggie and enveloped her in a black pall of smoke and coal dust. Captain Scraggs screamed. "Tit for tat," the philosophical Gibney reminded him. "We can't expect to get away with everything, Scraggsy, old kiddo."

For a few moments there was silence, save for the low whistling of one of the soldiers. "You're all right, kiddo," he broke off to say. Then one of the others turned suddenly, giving Tom a cordial rap on the shoulder which almost made him lose his balance.

If you ever pass by the Brown Haberdashery, on Twenty-third Street, drop in, and I'll buy you a lunch." "Tra-la! Where did you get that checked suit? And I'll bet you flag the train out at Glendale, where you live, with that tie. Oh, you Checkers!" "Some class to me, eh, kiddo?" "Oh, I wouldn't say that." He leaned closer.